♥♥♥ Axel x Diana Blaze (Twin brother-sister) ♥♥♥

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Everyone: YOU'RE DOING WHAT? *yell together at the very start of their practice*
Coach Travis: You heard me just fine. We're going to add a new member to this team. Considering the class of the other teams, we have decided that the best solution to improve your skills is to bring in a new striker. She is a legend in the world and her qualities have reached a high point from which you will have tremendous benefit

all the members eyes widen
Mark: She?
Axel: could it be?
Jude: guess will have to wait and see.

Jack: She as in a girl?
Austin: Seriously?
Kevin: It's not like we haven't had girls on the team before bbut still
Nathan: Yeah, how do we know we can trust her and that she isn't a solo player like Caleb?

Caleb: Hey! you know you can trust me. *narrows his eyes and glares at Nathan*
Axel: is that really what you think? She might suprise you. *crosses his arms and smirks*
Jude: hold on, why do you sound like you know something that we don't?
Mark: now that you said it, your right Jude.
all the others nod agreeing.

suddenly a ball gets shot at the goal several feet away from them with a female yelling "FIRE TORNADO" which is Axel's signature move but this shot tho sets the whole net on fire and burns it to ashes

the holle team expect Axel: what the?!
Axel his eyes widen and a grin forms on his face waiting for the female he know all to well.

Shortly after that a female figure with a mask appears from above them on the hill and removes her mask and unties her hear allowing her hair to flow down over her back as her onyx eyes shine brightly at the sight as she spots Axel and grins his way, waving playfully

Axel: *doesn't waist any time and runs over to the female and hugs the life out of her* Diana, I'm so happy to see again its bin so long. *smiles from ear to ear*
the holle team: Axel, KNOWS HER?! *shocked and suprised*

Coach Travis: Of course he knows her. That's his TWIN SISTER after all

Meanwhile Diana burts out laughing as she hugs him back and kisses him all over the face, leaving lipstick marks everywhere

everyone: WHAT?! HIS TWIN?! *yell shocked and suprised*
Axel: *smiles widely* good to have you on the team and to have you back. I missed you a LOT.

Diana: I missed you to sweetie *wipes the tears she sees steaming down his face and kisses his nose* I'm soo glad get to play with you honey. By the way you can thank the Gods because I won't be leaving ur side any time soon

Axel: that's great to hear and you better not. *narrows his eyes playfully before kissing her cheeks*
Meanwhile everyone watches with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

Diana: I promise you, I'm here for good *says before she hands his a mirror between giggles* Take a look what I did to you

Axel: *his eyes widen a little before he burst out laughing* i don't look bad even with those lipstick marks on my face. *smirks*
Mark: is he...
Jude: Laughing?
Nathan: that's new.
Kevin: this is shocking.
everyone nods agreeing.

Diana: You want to wipe them off dear? *kisses his cheek again teasingly*

Axel: i probably should. I do have a reputation to uphold. *winks at her* althou i'm sure everyone saw.

Diana: You don't want to take them off do you? *asks as she pokes his nose*

Axel: *chuckles* yep, right you are. *grins* ready to meat your new team?

Diana nods and keeps her arms around his waist as he keeps one of his arms around her shoulders and leands her down the hill

Mark: here they come.
Jude; this is going to interesting.
everyone watches as the siblings approach.

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now