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School had finally finished. You sat on the plane next to your best friend, Alice, who was reading a book on her kinder.

There were ten high school students chosen for this particular trip to the coast of a tropical island found just a few miles away from Hawaii with long running mountain ranges and some of the best beaches the world had to offer. The whole trip was paid for by the elite, private school you had all attended since the age of eleven and thanks to the prestigious school, you guys had been given a private jet.

Your teacher, Mr Stevens talked to the pilot relentlessly. You couldn't see the pilot's face but you were sure he'd have been ready to throw the plane, any second now, from the boring small talk.

Not wanting to die from a voluntary flailing plane, you called for your teacher to distract him away, allowing the pilot to have some breathing space.

"Um sir, what channel would I find the movies on?"

Alice gave you a questionable look as you had been browsing the movies for over an hour already. You ignored her and looked ahead sweetly.

"Here," he walked over and began swiping at your screen.

"Trust Y/N to not have a clue," Yoongi called from the seat behind you. You turned your scowling face in his direction to see his legs sprawled out over both chairs, one earphone in and the other held in his fingers. His eyes were closed and lips a little parted as he rested his head on the window. You relaxed your features and poked his head.

"Ow-" He was your other best friend. Most of the time he treated you like a stranger but you knew in his heart, he loved you. That's just his nature. The mysterious type.

"Think fast!"

You sat back down into your seat to avoid any footballs to your face when you saw it flying towards you. Unfortunately, Mr Stevens wasn't as lucky as it flung into his shoulders and his drink was discarded down his front, his t-shirt ruined.

"Damn it, put the football down Kim Minseok or I'll confiscate it." He grumbled to himself as he walked away to the lavish bathroom.

"That was funny," Kita high fived him and they both laughed like tweedle dee and tweedle dum as they were. You didn't believe in the stereotype that students in sports were all air heads at all, however these two could change your mind in a heartbeat, as dazzling as their jawlines and stunning bodies were.


"Could you guys get a room," a small-ish girl sighed from behind them. Her name was Ocean. No one really knew much about Ocean. She had a beautiful tattoo on her arm though, of a mermaid on a ship's front.

Then there were the three girls who were inseparable. They could actually be triplets; apart from the fact they look nothing alike and you would never have put them together. Sinyoung was pretty beyond words, she could easily fit the position of the next covergirl. Lillian was probably the smartest person in your school and completely introvert, unless she was with her friend's group. Last but not least, Georgia, a girl from Europe who was talkative and much of an activist- making rallies and petitions all the time.

Also on the plane was the class president, Minho. He was busy typing away on his laptop, probably emailing all the Ivy League universities that had jumped at the chance of offering him a place.

And finally, the last student was good old jack of all trades, Zico. He was mainly a musical prodigy but there was honestly nothing this boy was not good at.

Mr Stevens returned from the toilets, a large wet stain prominent on his chest, causing many giggles from around the plane.

"Okay kids, ha ha. Anyway, we'll be landing soon so-" the plane shook, "-oh must be some turbu-" and it shook again, more aggressively this time. Mr Stevens had to hold on to the seat he stood next to. He sat down abruptly.

"Sorry guys, I'm just trying to regain control, stay in your seats and put your belts on," the pilot spoke calmly as if to mask the dilemma but the students had already began to panic.

"Right, yeah, turbulence," Kita nodded, sucking his lips in and putting his seat belt on hastily.

"We don't need seatbelts-" Minseok started to say when the plane gave way and tilted almost 90 degrees to the right. No one had seen hands move faster than his did at that exact moment.

You stared out the window, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening but thick clouds encompassed the plane. The lack of ability to see was making anxiety bubble in your gut. You hated plane rides- regardless of how luxurious it may be. You couldn't sleep, eat, anything! You weren't scared of flying, you just didn't like the feeling. Now, this feeling was completely different. Something was terribly wrong.

"Please stay composed children."

"We're not 4, sir," Alice pointed out and you slapped at her hands as she just shrugged back at you. Was she not scared at all right now?

"Okay guys, we're not so far from the resort so I'm going to try and land." The pilots voice sounded a lot younger now and less professional.

"Oh no, what if we land in the sea?" Sinyoung cried out loud, dramatically gripping at Lillian beside her who was slumped in her chair, hoping to live.

"Then we swim," Ocean replied rather sarcastically but Sinyoung took her words seriously and began tying her hair up into a top bun and prepping herself.

"You're not joking right now?" Minho said in a serious tone, the class president tone.

Mr Stevens was already lecturing the group, "lets all take a moment to read the safety pamphlet located in the small pockets behind every seat..." to be honest, no one took any heed as they had already initiated 90% panic mode and 10% every man for himself mode.

You felt the sensation of the plane descending rapidly. The thick clouds didn't seem to disappear at all and for a moment you were sure you blacked out. Strange swirls of blue and green passing by in your mind like when you rub your eyes too hard.

"What kinda flight is this? Is this guy even a pilot?" Zico complained, taking his earphones out.

"How are you not reacting at all Yoongs?" you called back and felt his hand come through the small space between your seat and Alice's seat. "We'll be fine, don't worry. And, I am reacting, I'm sat up." You decided to accept his words.

"I've lost control!" the pilot yelled, loud sounds of metal peeling off from above and thrashing sounds of items flying about underneath.

"Fuck. We're dead," Alice rubbed her eyes. You bit your lip and heard Mr Stevens sink into mayhem.

"Oh no, what to do?"

"Can you still land?" you shouted to the pilot who was pulling at two handles with all his might.

"Who in their right mind left us with Mr Stevens?" Zico rolled his eyes as the plane jerked violently once more and he sat upright in his seat. Everyone was alert and holding on to their seats until their knuckles turned white. Seat belts the tightest they could possibly be. The oxygen masks fell from the top and all of you grabbed at them instantly, placing them over your mouths and hoping to breathe easier. It didn't work much.

There was nothing you could do now, but trust in the pilot.

"I'll land us, might not be safely, but I can do it-" the pilot's less than reassuring words didn't spark much belief in him.

The plane was rumbling and shaking like a rattle toy. You closed your eyes and held on tight to the arm rests, saying every prayer you could think of.


•Mr Stevens

okay, before anyone says anything.

yes, ik.

jimins not here.

ITS LE PROLOGUE- take a seat and tell your thirst to take one too.

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