Chapter 2

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i kinda didnae crop le pic lol xD

Ten pairs of eyes were no longer on you, nor the floor but instead focused on one person. The way he stood did captivate one's attention and somehow still, an air of relaxation radiated from him; the way he stood and tilted his head a little to the left, his clothes casual and military like.

"Can you tell us what happened here?" Minho asked, pleading with his eyes for there to be some reason.

A croak of mechanical clogs whizzing resounded within the lobby. Michelle had found them. You stopped staring at Jimin and your gaze followed an ever so cheery Michelle who strode in- her oscar winning smile on show for all to see. A sick feeling inside you was very much still alive as you involuntarily took a step back and you weren't the only one. Most of the group had shuffled away uncomfortably.

"Don't be afraid of Michelle," Jimin spoke loudly, taking a few considerable steps towards where you and Minho stood, "she's an android designed to help your stay. I'm guessing whoever owns this hotel is mega rich." Thoughtlessly, he held both hands at his hip and looked back at the group, as if nothing was strange at all and you guys were the one's who had an odd stance.

"Androids? So there are no human staff?" Mr Stevens plucked up the courage to finally take on his role as the teacher and guardian of these ten students.

"Not that I've found."

"And it just so happens you're the only one left?" you interrogated further, suspicions flying high with the tension in the room. His eyes landed on you and lingered longer than when he scouted the rest. He soon stopped and addressed the whole group.

He held out both hands in front of him, palms flat, and chuckled like all of this was some sort of joke. "Wow, you guys do not have a friendly aura whatsoever."

"We did just crash-land here when our plane completely lost all control," Georgia informed him, her activist heart scheming of ways to correct this.

"Where are the guests?" Minho pushed for more information.

"Okay, look, I'll tell you everything but damn, chill! Frankly, I feel attacked as if I did something wrong. How about instead..." he turned and walked towards the back door, "we all have a nice chat over some cocktails in the pool?" His eyes gleamed with friendliness and his smile was genuine.

You frowned. This was surely not the next course of action. Your personality wasn't a calculative and serious one however, in this situation, you felt a 'nice chat' over a few 'cocktails' was not the best solution.

"What kind of-" You were shoved aside by an overly excited Sinyoung, who had already begun untying the buttons on her top, revealing two slim straps. Bra straps. Your shoulder straightened itself and you scowled at her figure as she linked arms with Jimin and proceeded to chatter in a high, frilly tone.

If anyone found that attractive, they were surely deluded.

"Maybe a drink won't be so bad..." Ocean strolled ahead and followed them to the pool. Your eyes never left Jimin's back as he didn't turn his head once nor opened his mouth once. He just listened. Poor guy, you almost felt sorry for him. Sinyoung was having the time of her life on the other hand. Mr Stevens threw his hands up in the air, his mind unable to keep track and he left quickly, excusing himself. He muttered something along the lines of "I didn't sign up for this!" Georgia left with Lillian to go see the zen garden as the drama was too much for them to cope with. Minho decided it was time for a breather because the stress and responsibility he held as class president were taking their toll. Politely, he informed the group he'd be busy trying to contact the school for a while and then wandered back towards the rooms. Minseok and Kita gave each other questioning looks before deciding they'd much rather play in the arcade than interview the newcomer. It seemed most guys weren't interested in other guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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