Chapter 1

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You wiped your hands with a wet cloth Yoongi had provided you with. Alice was flat on the ground, taking deep breaths. Minseok and Kita were pulling out luggage that they could scavenge from the cargo boot. Unfortunately not everyone's suitcases had been found. Including yours.

The sun was scalding now, the time being 1:23pm.

"Just my luck," you huffed, throwing the cloth down on to the grass in a childish tantrum. Alice smiled at you and hugged you from behind after lifting her body off of the ground, "well, we did just survive the craziest plane landing probably ever. You can just share my clothes." You leaned back into her back hug. "You're the best." "I know."

"Enough with the love fest," Yoongi looked away, frankly disgusted and patted his suitcase, "I have mine which is all that matters."

Gosh there are times I want to just throw you away.

It had been an hour since the pilot had landed the plane. You looked around once more to take in the breathtaking sight. To the right of you, where the hotel walls no longer towered, there was endless beach and calm, jade-coloured sea. Palm trees neatly lined the gravel path and meticulously gardened flower patches dotted around for a spring of colour; violets and magentas. Your favourite colours actually.

You had learned of his name and it was Yuta. A Japanese exchange student. That's right, a student. However he was 22 years old and had reassured everyone he was very qualified. It was safe to say not all persons who had flown today were convinced of such a high statement.

"To be fair," Minho spoke, stood in the middle of the circle, "the weather was rather strange." You nodded, "I couldn't see anything as the clouds were really dense."

"Hmm, but clouds ripping a plane apart?" Zico raised a brow, bringing about a silence over the group.

"All that matters is that we're safe," Mr Stevens made his presence known. He had finally managed to pulled his luggage out from under a wheel- all due with much heart ache as half the case had been crushed and most the clothes unattainable. He was an optimistic fellow nevertheless and put on a brave face for his students.

"But my clothes!" Georgia wailed, head in her hands. "The less clothes the better aye," Kita whispered and nudged Minseok who guffawed loudly in response.

"Gross," Alice grimaced away, "literal horny cavemen." You weren't so amused yourself either. Although, you expected nothing less from those two- it was about choosing whether to ignore it or to play on it.

"My fucking plane! I- I- Oh my God- save me! I'm a dead man. My dad's actually gonna fucking kill me this time..."

"Language please," Mr Stevens warned with the least amount of authority any person could have, only earning a murderous glare from Yuta.

"Don't start with me old man," and he paced back around the plane, picking up smaller rogue parts, disappearing around the other end. Mr Stevens swallowed hard and dismissed his rude actions.

"Hello and welcome to Paradise Coast!" a cheerful voice interrupted the tension and you could see him easen up immediately.

"I am Michelle, your guide for the next two weeks." Her face held the most perfect grin you had ever laid eyes on. Her voice was very warm and soft on the ears.

"Ah, Michelle. Thank you for meeting us," Mr Stevens pulled her to the side for a minute and spoke to her in hushed tones.

"Is everyone going to ignore the fact that our plane crashed here?" Ocean grunted as she pushed her trolley forward. You noticed the way she gripped her arm behind the trolley's handles.

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