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So this one shot is requested from TheIrishShipper. Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it. And thanks for Ilangel1 for helping me write it.

Niall sat drawing yet another picture of Zayn. It's his secret passion to draw, he loves drawing the boys most but especially Zayn but maybe that could be from his secret crush on him.

He heard footsteps and quickly shut his book and tried to act like nothing happened. Zayn knocked on his door before saying < Niall can I come in > Niall panicked a little before answering < sure, Zee come in. >

Zayn entered the room smiling at Niall who smiled back nervously. < Hey, what are you doing? > Zayn asked. < Nothing just relaxing on my bed > Niall said, as he played with his fingers. Zayn nodded then looked around his room noticing a drawing book on Niall's bed, he grew curious as he knows that Niall doesn't draw.

< What's that > Zayn asked. < Nothing > Niall answered quickly and stumbled to hide the book before Zayn could take it but unfortunately he wasn't quick enough. Niall tried to come up with something so Zayn wouldn't open it. Just as he was opening his mouth to say it wasn't his. Zayn opened it and looked at the drawings of the boys but mostly his in it. He look surprised at how many drawings there is of him and asked Niall < did you draw this? > Niall didn't know what to say he could lie and say no but he can't bring himself to lie while looking into Zayn's eyes so he just nodded and waited in fear for Zayn's response. < They are amazing, you have detailed them all really well but why so many of me. > Zayn said as his heart jumped a beat, < because I  like you >. Niall whispered feeling his heart in his throat as he finally confessed his fealings for the dark haried boy.

Zayn smiled at the that as he felt like same way too. He walked to Niall who had his head down then kneeled in front of him and raised his head gently and whispered < I like you too > before capturing his lips with his kissing him with passion which Niall gladly returned. In the end he's glad Zayn found out his secret.

I hope you like it 😊 it's my first one so it might be not good.

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