Liam's Jealous

216 9 8

Liam is 6 years old

Louis is 4 years old

Niall is 2 years old

This is a request from.
_Fallen_Angel_4122ention a user
Its not very good but I hope you enjoy.

Liam huffed again when he saw Louis in his Papa's lap coloring together. He sat next to his daddy glaring at Louis angry that his papa yet again played with Louis rather than him.

He can't play with his daddy cz he has Niall in his lap watching baby cartoons . And Niall is a baby so his daddy can't leave him and he wants to play with his papa . And everytime he suggested a game to play with his papa. Louis comes with a game and his papa forget about him and go play with Louis.

So he's very angry at his papa and the only way he knows how to show it is be angry at Louis.

He saw Louis get up to grap another coloring book so he quickly ran and sat in his Papa's lap.

" why, hello there handsome" Zayn smiled kissing Liam's head.

Liam grinned finally he's getting attention. " papa color with me"  Liam said holding his batman coloring book.

" sure bud" Zayn said taking a sheet from the book and coloring it while Liam colored his.

" ow, papa I fell" Louis pouted getting teary eyed. He was grabbing a new coloring book to color with his papa. He was running back but he slipped and fell on his bum.

Zayn got up to pick Louis up kissing his boo boo forgetting about Liam in Liam's mind.

That's when Liam had enough. He threw his coloring and stomped his feet then started yelling.

" Louis you stupid baby" Louis got teary eyed looking at his brother.

"Liam, that's not nice" Zayn said in a firm voice " apologize to Lou" Zayn continued staring at Liam.

Liam got more angry that his papa is defending Louis.

" no, he's a stupid baby. He can't color straight, can't spell, he can't do anything" Liam felt satisfied when Louis started crying maybe a little guilt but he's angry so he doesn't care.

" that's it Liam James Malik, your gonna go time out for ten minutes" Zayn said passing a crying Louis to Harry so he can calm him down.

He took Liam by his hand setting him on the stairs " now you gonna sit here then apologize to your brother Liam" that's not what made Liam cry " that's not you Li" this what made him cry.

Zayn smiled softly knowing Liam felt guilty before going to take Lou from Harry as he can hear Niall crying for him.

" hey, you alright buddy" Zayn cooed to Lou so he can stop crying.

Louis sniffed then asked " does Li Li hate me"

" of course not bud Li Li loves you" Louis didn't say anything just sniffed more then laid his head on Zayn's shoulder.

Harry came back carrying Niall with one arm while holding Liam's hand in the other.

" right, Liam has explained to me why he was mean with Lou. Go on baby tell them why" Harry gently pushed Liam to Zayn chuckling at the reason his son told him before going into the kitchen to feed Niall his bottle.

" come here Li" Liam sniffed standing in front of his papa.

" why are you being mean with Lou" Zayn asked gently.

" cz, papa love Louis more than me" Liam cried.

" what! Buddy I love you and Louis the same" Zayn said shocked that his son thinks he loves Louis more than him.

" nah-huh you play with Lou and not me, you leave to go to Lou" Liam said huffing.

Zayn set Louis down before picking Liam up " baby I love you the same I love Lou and Nini, I'm sorry baby I didn't play with you today but that's not an excuse to be mean to Lou" Zayn gently said hugging Liam.

Liam looked at Louis who lost interest while they were talking and playing with his Lego.

" down papa" now that's he not angry he feels guilty about telling his brother he's stupid.

" Lou-Lou I'm sorry I called you stupid baby, your smart big boy" Louis smiled accepting his brothers apology when he called him a big boy.

" how about we all play together" Zayn said smiling at them.

Both boys jumped getting their toys so they play together.

" so, is everything alright" Harry chuckled going back into the living room after hearing the boys cheer with baby Niall in his hands.

Zayn chuckled nodding taking Niall from Harry kissing his cheeks. " yeah, can't believe Liam thought I love Lou more than him "

Harry chuckled " it's so cute how they fight for your attention"

Zayn grinned playing with Niall a bit till " papa you said you play with us not play with Nini" Zayn groaned while Harry laughed taking a giggling Niall from Zayn so he can play with the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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