Chapter 3: The first werewolf

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Mahiru and Kuro followed Mikuni and the two servamps into that old sketchy looking building, where Mahiru had to come to figure what happened to Kuro when turned into a little black ball. 

The werewolf girl slumped over Jeje's shoulders. Before entering, Mikuni turned to the sloth pair.

"I think it's best you two stay out here for a minute, Jeje, Lily and I have some things to clear up." He said.

"Uh, o-okay." Mahiru said.

Kuro sighed. "This is such a hassle." He said.

"Shut up, Kuro." Mahiru said.


After a few minutes, Lily walked out of the building with a large smile on his face.

"Well, you two can come in now." He said.

"Oh okay." Mahiru said, getting up from where he sat on the steps, as Kuro turned into a cat and jumped on his Eve's head. "Uh, Lily?"

Snow Lily turned to brunette, confused but smiling.

"Where's Misono?" Mahiru asked.

"Ah, Misono's away at the manner, he doesn't know I'm here though." Lily said.

"O-Oh." Mahiru just said, and then followed Lily into the building.

They walked into a room that Mahiru hadn't been in, the last time he was there, only to be greeted with Mikuni smirking at them, Jeje, in his snake form around his neck.

"Now Mahiru, Sloth." He started. "Feast your eyes on this." He torn off a sheet from a large tank, Mahiru shielded his eyes at what he saw. In the tank, was the werewolf girl, naked, she had wires attached to her body, including her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, symbolizing she was unconscious.

But then Mahiru noticed something on the werewolf's head, a pair of icy blue wolf ears.

"Those weren't there before." He thought out loud, and then noticed a tail around the back of her waist. "Neither was that."

"This is her true form. She's the first werewolf to ever exist." Mikuni explained.

"Um, Mikuni~San? How do you know so much about her?" Mahiru asked. "What even is she? Really?"

Mikuni turned to the boy, and smirked. "Alright, I guess I can explain. Well, the werewolves were created over three hundred years, they were actually created by C3."

"C3?" Mahiru asked.

"Yep, around the same time the Servamps were created. They were created when c3 captured the Servamps for experiment. One day, decided to clone the Servamps, but they didn't have enough blood, and so they used the blood of wolves. But something happened and the werewolves escaped. Since then c3 has been trying to get back their creations." Mikuni explained.

"So, they wanted you to capture them for them?" Mahiru asked.

"Pretty much. But we're gonna have to catch the others before returning her to c3." Mikuni said.

"Okay." Mahiru said, and turned to the werewolf in the tank, luckily the wires and her long hair were covering anythings Mahiru didn't need to see. 'So, werewolves exist, too. Although I guess I shouldn't be too surprised everything I've been through.'

"I'll be outside." Kuro said, jumping off Mahiru's head and turned into his human form. "I'm off to smoke."

"What?! You don't  smoke, Kuro!" Mahiru said, turning to see Kuro walking outside. "Kuro?!!"


Kuro stood outside the large house looking up at the sky above him. Although he didn't know what it was, he had this weird feeling in his chest. It was almost as if knowing that that was his clone caused this.

"You're in shock, too?" Lily said, standing next to the servamp of sloth. "Don't worry, I felt the same way when I found out. Of course it's probably worse for you, considering Mikuni~San and Jeje~San have actually captured yours."

Kuro turned to his younger brother, who had a cigarette held up to his mouth. "Still smoking? I thought you quit."

Snow Lily giggled. "I never puff around the kids. Anyway, tell Mahiru~Kun that Mikuni~San wants you two to help him catch the other werewolves."

"Lily, why are you helping them. I thought you didn't care for Jeje, after what he did to that kid's mom." Kuro asked. (Don't know what that means, read the manga)

"Not my idea, Mikuni needs my help. And well, he is an Arisuin." Lily said, taking another puff of his cigarette. He then noticed his brother gazing off into the distance, then an idea popped into his head. He grabbed a cigarette from the package and shoved it into Kuro's mouth, before lighting it. "Here have a swig."


"You know Kuro knows C3, he must be in shock over this." Mikuni said, right after Kuro left the room. "Oh well, can't say I blame him."

Mahiru turned back to older Arisuin brother, he was smirking creepily.

'First Vampires and now werewolves, just how many kinds are there.' Mahiru thought, looking back at the naked werewolf in the tank.

"Think it over Mahiru. Terrible times are coming, it's not too late to ditch Sloth." Mikuni said.

"Never, Kuro's helped me so many times!" Mahiru argued, the image of a green haired vampire flashed in his mind. "I will never regret picking him up."

"So loud." Kuro groaned behind his eve.

"Huh, Kuro! We heard another voice, who was it?" Mahiru asked, jumping back seeing his servamp standing there.

"Well, Lily was outside." Kuro said, moving out the way so Lily could enter.

"Hiya guys." Lust said.

"Lily?!" Mahiru yelled.

"Anyway, Mahiru." Mikuni said, standing up and walking over to the teen, before extending his hand out toward the brunette. But before he could say anything, the Servamps got a feared look in their eyes.

"Mahiru, Get down!" Kuro yelled, and right after that there was a large explosion in the ceiling.

Once the smoke had cleared, Mahiru found himself on the ground, his Servamp was on top of him, protecting him, a small trickle of blood slithering down his head, perhaps from where a brick hit him.

The brunette looked over to the debris in the centre of the room, there he saw the faint outlines of five women and a man. Immediately Mahiru knew it was them, and they had come for their sister.

Out of the smoke one stepped forward, it was the girl who looked identical Lawless, the clone of the Servamp of greed, an angry look on her face.

"Now, you humans, you're going to give us back our sister, no matter what!" She screamed.

Okami's eye slowly fluttered open.

To be continued.


Next time: Werewolves Vs. Servamp


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