Be careful

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Derek avoided Stiles, while Dean avoided Cas, as they worked to get everything ready for Asmodeus' arrival. Sam hadn't left Gabriel's side, constantly checking to make sure he was okay. Lydia and Cas conspired together to find a way to keep Dean safe without his realizing.

"You know, they think I don't know what they're doing," Dean said to Derek as he tossed a glance at Lydia and Cas who were finishing the devil's trap.

"Wanna know what they're saying?" Derek asked, cause yeah, even he would admit their plan was stupid, and not going to work. 

"I always forget you have super hearing, do tell," Dean smiled.

"They're planning on literally locking you in the dungeon," Derek chuckled.

"What? How?" Dean scoffed at the idea.

"Cas is gonna knock you out with his angel mojo and they're going to drag you in there," Derek answered.

That pissed Dean off. He turned and marched towards the conspiring pair.

"Cas," Dean snapped, "I swear if you so much as even think about using your little magic trick to knock me out, when I come to, I will kick your ass all the way back to heaven."

Cas glanced past Dean at a shrugging Derek.

"I'm trying to protect you, Dean," Cas growled.

"By locking me in the dungeon?" Dean snapped again.

"You aren't taking this seriously. What else am I supposed to do?" Cas' tone was angry but also desperate. He was worried.

"Cas, listen to me, I'm gonna be okay," Dean softened his voice.

"What if you're not Dean? I can't bring you back," Cas looked stressed.

"I'll be careful, I promise, but you can't lock me up when my brother's lives are at stake, when your life is at stake. The most important thing right now is getting Gabriel's grace, and Stiles' soul. I won't be sidelined for this," Dean put a hand under Cas' jaw cupping it gently. 

"I love you," Dean said in a quiet tone, leaning in. 

"I love you too, Dean," Cas responded, allowing his eyes to flutter close as their lips connected. 

"This is great and all, but what's the plan exactly? Cause I don't really want to be cuffed when Asmodeus shows up," Stiles held his hands up for emphasis.

"You and Gabriel are going to the asylum to get your soul and his grace. We're gonna wait for Asmodeus to show up and hold him here long enough for you two to get back," Dean said pulling away from Cas.

"I think everything is ready, you two should probably leave now," Sam spoke then, looking at Gabriel with concern in his eyes.

"We'll let you know when evil sanders shows up," Dean nodded, "You gonna be okay without any juice?" Dean asked Gabriel.

"I've got a little stowed away, thanks to Cas, and I've got my angel blade," Gabriel nodded, before turning to Sam, "You be careful." 

Sam stepped towards Gabriel, who pulled him into a deep kiss. 

Derek tried to ignore the fact that telling Stiles to be careful was pointless, and that Stiles didn't care if anything happened to him.


The group waited almost two hours for Asmodeus to show up, they had made sure to 'accidentally' tip off a demon that they had Stiles, so they weren't sure what was taking so long. 

However, finally after waiting for ages, the bunker's warding lit up. 

"He's here," Dean held his angel blade at the ready. 

The warding finally failed and Asmodeus bust through the door. 

"Now, Gabe," Sam prayed quietly. 


Gabriel heard Sam's prayer and he turned to the youngest Winchester, "I'm gonna uncuff you, don't make me regret it," Gabriel spoke seriously.

"I'm soulless, not suicidal. I know not to piss off an archangel, powered up or not," Stiles answered. 

Gabriel nodded, satisfied with that answer, before uncuffing him.


Asmodeus' demon's rushed the bunker, attacking the nearest targets. 

Lydia, who had gotten pretty decent with an angel blade, took out a demon as it was about to attack Sam who was fighting off another demon.

The demons continued, they were killed as quickly as they attacked.

"Where is the Winchester?" Asmodeus asked once most of his demons were dead.

"You'll have to be more specific," Dean snapped.

"You know the one I want, he and I have a deal," Asmodeus smiled at Derek, who looked pissed.

"You're not gonna get him," Sam piped in.

"Then I'll take you instead," Asmodeus lifted a hand, but Dean pushed his brother aside causing the burst of power to connect with him instead. It threw him into the nearest wall. 

"Dean," Cas' voice yelled, but Asmodeus threw Cas back against the wall, pinning him in place. 

Next Asmodeus gave a twist of his wrist causing Dean to cough, blood spurting from his mouth.

"No," Cas shouted, but unable to move.

Sam and Derek charged at the prince of hell, but he threw them back effortlessly with the wave of his other hand. 

They needed him to step into the devil's trap they had made, but he was advancing towards Dean and away from the trap.

Lydia stepped in front of Dean quickly, before letting out a loud scream. She shoved her voice forward throwing Asmodeus back and into the trap. 

Lydia collapsed at Dean's side, "No, no, no, please, you promised you would be okay, remember?" Lydia begged. 

Cas, having been released when Asmodeus was trapped, hurried to Dean's side. 

"Dean," Cas grabbed the hunter in his arms, trying to heal him. "No," Cas' voice broke. It was too late. 

This one is a little shorter. Enjoy.

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