A messed-up Fairy Tale

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This chapter is a bit of a filler leading into the final arc of this story.

I still haven't seen all of Season 9, but (thanks, spoilers!) I do know most of the 'key events'. And it turned out that some of my ideas for this story are kinda similar to what actually happens in the show. Not all of them though (and I won't say which ones), and they won't be executed the same way, so it should still be spoiler-free if you haven't watched 'Hunted' yet.


A messed-up Fairy Tale

"Oh, the poor boy." Edna stated dramatically. "Only one pair of trousers, and no more laundry detergent - he surely must be out of clean underwear by now..."

Although her voice was rather hoarse, the elderly woman had been talking almost non-stop for the past three hours, as if she was trying to make up for days without speaking (which, as Lloyd had learned, had indeed been the case for her).

"I really hope he gets enough vitamins; the way you've described this place, it doesn't sound like it provides the most nutritious food..."

She straightened up and addressed her husband. "Take a note, Ed. When we get home, we'll have to buy lots of fresh fruit and vegetables for the guys."

"Of course, my sugarplum." Ed nodded, taking out a small notepad.

Lloyd blinked. Huh? Hadn't it always been the other way round? What was going on here?

"Same goes for you, young man." Edna glanced at the boy who was munching a packet of Ninja Chips. "I know we're a bit short of fresh food right now ourselves, but once this nightmare is over, you're all coming over to our place for a nice healthy dinner. And this includes you too, sweetie."

Edna affectionately patted Skylor's head that was resting on her shoulder. Exhausted from the journey, the orange Ninja had fallen asleep against the motherly woman right in the middle of their conversation.

Equally fast asleep, Nya was curled up on the bench, her head on her mother's lap.

"I just hope we will still have a place to get home to..." Maya remarked, gently brushing her daughter's tousled hair with her hands. "If Garmadon keeps going like this, soon there won't be much of Ninjago left for him to rule."

While hiding away at the swamp, the Ninja's parents had tried to keep up with what was going on in the capital. They would regularly listen to the devastating news on the radio in the Walkers' jalopy.

Whereas the days were reasonably quiet, every night, the Emperor would send the Colossus on a rampage through Ninjago City, while the Sons of Garmadon were out in the streets on their bikes, vandalising flats, looting shops and simply terrorising the people, all under the pretext of looking for enemies of the Empire.

"What do you expect?" Lloyd muttered. "My father is the Master of Destruction, causing damage is what makes him stronger."

"And we have to put and end to that, not only for the sake of Ninjago but also to weaken him and help our friends." PIXAL claimed.

"You are right, PIX." Lloyd agreed. "We should return to the city as soon as possible."

"And we're coming with you." Maya added.


"Lloyd, we want our boys back home as much as you do." Lou said. "You can't expect us to just sit around here and do nothing about it."

"I guess so..."

"I have already figured out where we're gonna hide." Misako told him. "The Museum, there's enough space for all of us."

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