A Stone In My Shoe And A Tear In My Eye

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Stones in my shoes
And I've got the blues

I tried to walk a mile in your shoes
But it seems I can't even walk a mile in mine

And everything is purple
So why do I feel so blue?

Flower so alone
Why do you look lonely?
Is it you or is it me
That's either outcasted or free?

A moment of silence for the fallen ones
But for the ones who've fallen and already gotten back up
There's nothing but chaos
And a world where they feel alone

When was the last time I saw a buttercup?
I can't even remember
Was it in grade 3 or 4, some time in September?

On one side they're bad
On one side they're good
Does it even make a difference
If you didn't know you could?

© 2018 Ariana Omnomnom

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