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Part 6-


Deep Forest

Inside a Hut

Witch Vishakha is shown watching King Ratan and Princess Diya's moment via her CRYSTAL VIEWER...

Vishakha: Good to see King and Princess alive and safe...Afterall, my prediction can never go wrong...Afterall, King and Princess are made for each other...Hame asha hai ki hamari hone wali Maharani, hamare Maharaj ko jaldi samajle...


Princess Diya is shown seated inside a hut, when King Ratan comes there with food...King Ratan places the food plate in front of Princess Diya...

Diya : I don't want to eat anything...Take this away, King...Ratan : But Princess you haven't ate anything since morning...You are already weak and if you don't eat you will feel ill...Diya : Whatever it is King...It's not your lookout, it's my lookout...Ratan : No Princess...At least eat a bite...Diya : See King, you can force me to stay, but not force me to eat...Now I don't want to eat anything...Ratan : But Princess...Diya : Leave me alone for sometime...Go!!!!...Ratan : Okay I am going Princess, but keeping the plate here, if you feel like...Diya : Just go!!!!...

King Ratan leaves from there disheartened...

Princess Diya sees the food plate and starts eating the food...

Ratan looks from outside and gets happy seeing Princess Diya eating food...Princess Diya sees King Ratan looking at her eating food...King Ratan brings water and comes inside the hut...Princess Diya keeps the food plate aside and looks away...King Ratan leaves from there dejected...


BG: "Though Princess Diya could see the intense care that King Ratan had for her, but is unable to come to terms with what had happened..."


Princess Diya tries to sleep but is unable...

Diya (In her mind): I don't remember how many times did the King apologized for his action of diving like crazy, but why I am smiling smiling seeing all his mad actions?...Why I am liking King's mad and strange actions, which HE calls HIS love for me?...What's happening with me?...Is I am too...Noo it can't be...But what if it's true...I need to check...I can't just...



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