Happy Birthday Armaan 💖

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Hey Armaanians 😃😃😃😃

Today is Armaan's birthday - World's Best Day that is 💖
And he turned 23 today woohoooo !!!

We know that more than us all , Armaan has supported us in many
different ways ....through his songs ,his quotes ,his BABA AM lectures 😂 his music & I'm so grateful & proud that I'm  supporting such an AMazing soul & such an AMazing person since past five years & yes I will support him for the coming 5000 & more 😍😍😘😘 because I love him till the end 💕

So heres a small letter from my side telling you my experiences of joining this fam & how i get to know about him ....

I came to know about Armaan for the very first time when i was scrolling through the youtube videos & i accidently stumbled upon this song called - " Le Ja Zakhm Tere " & God to say that i was in love with his voice then and & there would be an understatement ! It was far more than that .....you know I kinda felt like I had some Krazy Konnection with him for sure 😍😍

And since that day I have been an Armaanian ( which name was not even decided at that time ) say thanks to Purti di for that 😃 she came up with the name ......her twitter handle is - @stayclassy025

Armaan has helped me in so many ways in these five years that I can't really explain you all how did it happen .....

He and his music have always been there for me ,ALWAYS 😃😭😭😭

I'm so happy you know that a person like him is there in this world & trust me ,I feel so lucky that was born in this era when I can listen to him singing ,when I can be a part of his journey ... :)

Another special thing THIS that no matter if you joined this fandom at beginning or later ,we all somehow have been a part of his life and I'm so so much happy to be a part 😇 to be an Armaanian & to support someone like him 😍😍

Well I can list thousand reasons to love him here but I'll end this here ( because technically I'm at loss of time which hurts like the most 💔💔 btwn wattpad deleted the chapter I wrote before as surprise 😭 I really hate this thing but I'll post it later for sure )

Till then enjoy these fan made videos 🙌





Happy Birthday Armaan 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

Keep loving music & do write your wishes in comment section & keep loving Armaan 💕

Stay tuned :)

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