Chapter Twenty

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Eric stayed until midnight, and even then he didn't want to leave. But my aunt insisted that he gets some sleep. But it didn't take long for him to show up again. The next day, he was there, but he didn't sit down to eat breakfast. Instead, he watched me eat like a stalker that he is. It didn't take him long to get to the point. 

"You have to come with me to the palace," he said.

"That's cute, how you think I'll just come with you to the palace without fighting," I said.

"It's adorable how you think that I didn't know you wouldn't put up a fight," he said right back. But his next move was insufferable. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down you insufferable overgrown dog," I shouted earning me a pinch on my back a couple of inches above that area.

"One, I'm not an overgrown dog, in fact, dogs came from wolves. And two, I'm enjoying this view," Eric teased.

"You are still insufferable," I said. "Among other things."

"I heard that."

"You were supposed too."

"That's very rude Little Fawn. You shouldn't say such rude things."

"Says the one who won't let me sleep until midnight," I mumbled. Eric again pinched me, but this time closer to that area.

"Each time you say something hurtful I'll pinch you But each time, I'll get closer to your-"

"I get. And if you do, I'll freeze your hands off," I started, but he again pinched me keeping his promise. And I kept mine. And this is how it went, him pinching me, me freezing his hand, and him pinching me. It was like a cycle. A harrowing one at that while we're at it. But we didn't hurt each other, and I didn't freeze his hands so badly that he'll get frostbite and he didn't pinch me hard enough to beat me. It was all fun and games. 

"Will you run away if I set you down," He asked after a while.

"Yes," I answered.

"Good because I was too lazy to carry you up the hill."

"Figures," I said rolling my eyes. 

"Would you want to carry someone up a hill," he countered back. 


And then I was off. And no I didn't run from Eric, I ran up the hill. Quite athletic of me. And like an obedient dog, he followed me. But he just walked. Curse his long legs. 

"So is there a reason why you wanted me with you," I asked.

"Nope, just wanted you with me while I worked," he said.

"What," I shouted. "Are you being serious right now."

"Yes. I can't work with my wolf constantly pacing around my head and urging me to go to you," he answered.

"So you took me away, without a book to read and entertain myself just so your wolf would stop bothering you."

"Yeah, and I mean, it is 'bring your mate' to work day."

"Okay, that last part I know you're exaggerating. What am I here for."

"I told you, so my wolf will stop bothering me, and I can work. Oh, and I have books that you can read, I knew you would bother me as much as my wolf if I didn't," he stated. 

And that is how I spent my day, reading in an office of an annoying wolf. I am doomed.

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