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We are lined up and are marching into battle. I can hear the drummer boys drumming so we march step by step in unison. Some were drumming us commands that our Generals were shouting.

"Ok men, we have embarrassing low ammunition but we are in need of a win." Major General Benedict Arnold says.

We march and then stop. The drummer boys stay silent waiting for another command.

"Keep your eye on your target don't pay attention to anyone around you except you Generals." John whispers in my
ear .

I was about to respond until I hear a shot from the distance. It makes the birds stop singing and the squirrels scatter. We see an army with better trained men, better weapons, and fancier uniforms running towards us.

I stare at them I wonder 'why are we fighting? We don't even stand a chance.' Then it hits me were fighting for a place for our children to grow up and be free.

I snap back to reality when I hear, "Fire!" The Order Major General Benedict screams.

The first line fires then kneels. My line, or the second line follows and does the same. The other three do the same until we start with the first line again.    
   When the Redcoats get to close for comfort with their bayonets our lines scramble apart.

I hide behind a tree and reload my musket. Putting in my ammo, Tearing off the top of my powder patch, pouring into the pan, and then setting it up getting ready to fire. I fire and almost hit a red coat who spots me. He runs off and I don't worry about him anymore.

I start reloading my musket and holding it up to shoot. I see a Red Coat perfectly in line with my musket. I shoot and it hits him. I smile, finally getting used to firing my weapon. I start to reload my weapons again until I feel a sharp quick pain in my shoulder. I drop to the ground and gasp in pain.

I turn around to see the solider who I about hit with a friend.

"Well look what we have here a little patriot who is defenseless. What do you think about that Abraham?" The man says.

"I think we should kill him or maybe we could take them for some information." The man who I now know is Abraham is says.

While they have a conversation I grab onto a tree and slowly stand up. My vision starting to get blurry from the pain.

"I don't think that's going to happen sir." I say.

"Oh really. We will see about that blue coat." They say.

They make the first move and punch my face but I duck and dove them. I kick Abraham's knees which makes him fall to the ground. The other man hits my side and then kicks my head disorienting me and making me fall. The other Red coat Abraham stands back up. I lay on the ground starring at them in pain.

"Had enough yet patriot?"

I use the rest of my strength to stand up.

"I could do this all day." I say.

They laugh and move towards me. After I punch one of them again I see another man show up. One I recognize

"John!" I yell choking on tears.

"I'll take him you take the other one!"

We both finish them making sure they are knocked out.

"Stephan! You look terrible. Your shoulder it's stabbed! You need medical attention right away!" John says.

"No J-John I'm fine." I try to object. But he slings my arm over his shoulder and supports me trying to get back to camp.

We walk for about 20 minuets until John sets me down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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Raise a Glass to Freedom Something we are Fighting for (John Laurens x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now