Bloody Sister

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I screamed as I open the door I see my sis Italia laying half way off her bed.

Her head is laying on the bed the other half of her body is on the floor I run over to her she has blood rushing out of her neck she's still breathing. I look for something to stop the bleeding I finally found something I run into the bathroom to wet the cloth I saw like a black shadow in the mirror when turned around it was gone. Then I came back running with it. I put it on Italia's neak shes still breathing I hear foot stapes. it's my mum,my sisters,Conner and Dani. My mum pushes me out the way and holds Italia close to her bring Italia's head to her chest.

Piper grabs her cell and starts calling 911. She get's off the phone tells mum there on their way. Mum nods, Jules and Piper goes down on the floor with mum and Italia. Conner's holding Bri why she cries into his chest. Dani sits on the floor near the door with her head in her lap. then Jay comes in the room he comes over to me and holes me. Mum says "Sorry, honey but can you tell every one to leave the house please." Me and Jay leave the room we all went down stairs Jay got everyone to leave. After every one left mum came down with Italia in her arms then ambulance came and took Italia mum went with them. It was just Jules, Piper, Conner,Bri, Jay and me. Bri still in Conner's arms Piper and Jules held each other close Jay was still holding me then I said "We should take mums van and go to the hospital." Bri says "Yeah we should lets go now,and get everything you need." Everyone get's what they need. I go an get the car keys. I got the keys everyone's in the car I start the car we drive off Jay is in the passenger's side Jules,Piper,Bri and Conner are in the back Bri still in Conner's arms Jules and Piper are holding hands now still crying. We finally get to the hospital we all get out the car grab are things and steady close together while walking into the hospital then we went to the information desk the person sent them to Italia's room 252 then we all open the door and.............

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