Surpise from the dead

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"SHIT!" my alarm didn't go off it's 11:15am im super late for school luckly

todays my mums day off. So get dress go down stairs i see mum siting in the kitchen wearing her pink fuzzy slippers and robe plus wearing pink curlers in her hair with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Hey mum,can you take me to school my alarm didn't go off" i told her

"Sure, honey i'll take you just give me a mint to get dressed" she said to me

"Alright thanks mum" i say with a smile then she was gone i go to get some juice then i heared a knock at the back door went to see who it was then i droped my glass juice on to the floor the glass brook it was Jason. i open the door leaving the broken glass on the floor.

"What do you want mums about to drop me off at school soon" i told him

"Geez don't get your granny panties in a bunch,i just wanted to tell you i'll be going to your school" he told me with a crooked smile

"What???!!!? Nooooo!" i yelled

"Well, see ya sis" he said than he was gone i clean up the brookin' glass then me and mum got in the car we got to school i gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanks a goodbye then she was gone. i go to my locker then the bell rings for the nexted class i see Italia and cam holding hang hands coming my way.

"hey,sleepy head" Italia says

"hey to you too" i said to her then some hands covered my eyes

"Guess who?" a voice said in my ear

"Umm..m let me think hmm..." i said

"Well come on, and just say who" the voice said to me

"ok,Jay ?" i said

"Yes, and heres your rewared" he says and turns me around and kiss me at that time it felt like time stoped for ever. he puled away

"Im so happy your all here i have to tell you guys something about Jason" i said scarred

"Ok, what is it Bianca" Cam said

"Well i can't say here, we have to go some were else" i said to them we walk out of the school and went as far out as we could at the back of the school. we all sit on the ground . i start to tell them.

"What do you have to tell us about Jason?" Italia says to me

"Ok well, he came to my window last night and also came to the house this morning and told me he was going to be at school today" i told them every one was frozen didn't and they didn't say a word either then i saw a shadow in the the trees........

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