Chapter 29: Lost Voice

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April 2028

Düsseldorf, Germany

Celeste's P.O.V

It's been about a month since the tour has started. I would say that my favourite city was London. The crowd was amazing there. Plus having Alison and her friends preform that night with us was amazing. Also, since we had a second show the next night in London, the guys were able to bring Ed Sheeran onto the stage. It was unbelievable. But now we're in Düsseldorf, Germany. We've been preforming each night for the past month and it's been amazing. But waking up early isn't fun.

But this time, I wake up at 6AM instead of 7AM to multiple texts from Louis just with my name on them. With all the energy I have, I get out of Jonah's soft grip and get my phone.

So I text him "What's up?"
Then he replies with "BNB"
BNB is a code word for when one of us need each other at any moment. When he says that, it means he really needs me.

So, I wash my face and put my hair in a messy bun while I put on sweats and a sweater.

I head over to Louis's room which he shares with Harry. Then I knock and Louis opens the door.

"So why did u send BNB" I ask.
"Harry lost his voice" Louis says.
"What! What do you mean he lost his voice?!" I say shockingly while whispering.
"I don't know. Last night he was fine. Then he tried calling me from my room and then he texted me saying he lost his voice. And I didn't know what to do so that's why I texted you." Louis says.
"Okay, well. Um. Usually I would know what to do. But I haven't doubt with a lost voice in a while. Wait out here and I'll see what I can do." I say.

I go into Harry's room. I think he fell asleep again. I wake him up by shaking him gently. He starts to rub his eyes and then he see me.

"Hey." He says with his voice.
"Shh." I say putting my finger to his lip.
"Don't talk. It'll make it worse. Just whisper but don't try too hard. Looks like calling Louis made it worse. When did you lose it?" I ask.
"Maybe like a couple hours ago." He says while whispering. By now I hear the rest of the guys in the room.
"Okay, I'm gonna make some honey lemon tea and bring it to you okay? I'll bring some cough drops and some biscuits. Plus get a lot of rest. I don't think you could sing for a couple nights. The tea won't work right away but it will work as time goes. Hopefully it's just for one night. But we'll see." I say.
"Sure love." He whispers.
"But, who's gonna sing for me?" He whispers.
"I've got an idea." I say.

I leave the room. I feel so bad for him. Then again, he hit some pretty good high notes last night. Maybe it's just a strain. Hopefully it's just a strain.

As I head out of the room to get the cough drops, the guys look at me with worried faces.
Then I say "I'll be back." They all look funny with their bed heads.

As I go back into the room with everything the stuff in my hands, Jonah comes and helps me out.

"So, how is he?" Liam asks.
"Well, his voice is pretty much out. He might've had it a bit while he was trying to call Louis. But when I was with him, just with one word and he couldn't speak at all. So, there's a chance he may not be able to sing tonight."

Then the guys go into shock.

"What's gonna happen tonight?" Zayn says.
"Well, the honey lemon tea should work. But I don't know if it'll cure him till the concert. He may have to sit out tonight." I say.
"But who's gonna sing for him?" Liam says.
I look over to Jonah and then he gives me a "I can't" look.
"Celeste, I can't go up there." Jonah says.
"Jonah, we've recorded covers last year. I've seen the comments. People say you have an amazing voice. And I knew that from the day I met you. I know you can do this." I say.

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