Chapter 4

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            Hey lovely readers it's the author. In this chapter there is going to be some flashbacks and the bad thing is that my laptop is bad and I'm typing with my phone. Please don't get confused. I'll try to make it stand out.
                         The Gifts.
             Madara sighed for the umpteenth time. He was still having those weird dreams. The more he had them, the more real they seemed. He had asked Izuna what was happening to him before the accident, but what he got was weird.
                Izuna had just gotten back from a mission. It didn't look strenuous from the looks of it so he decided to ask him as soon as he got home. When he got home he was surprised to see Izuna on the front porch. That wasn't what was weird though. Izuna was angry.
                What happened? Madara asked sitting down beside him. Nothing, he replied without looking at him. I heard you had an accident, he said without any emotion. Madara grinned. I'm okay though. I've taken bigger hits before. Hitting my head is no big deal.
                 Izuna didn't seem amused. He hadn't even looked at him. I wanted to ask you if I was going through anything before the accident. Why? Izuna asked finally looking up. I keep getting these strange dreams and I don't know what they mean. They may just be dreams on the other hand what if it's real? Izuna sighed.
                  Izuna sighed and cleaned his face. Nothing was happening before the accident, he said and it sounded like it was forced. Even if something was happening, you never told me. Are you sure that hit to your head didn't do anything? Izuna asked. No, he replied. Hashirama didn't find anything weird. Okay then,  Izuna said. I'm tired. Goodnight Madara. Goodnight Izuna.
               Flashback end.
              He knew something was up. Something had to. He felt incomplete. He didn't know what to do so he just went through his drawers in hopes of finding something anything.
               He went rummaging through and his eyes caught something that he didn't remember having. He brought out a pair of black fingerless gloves. He never wore this type of gloves so how did this get here? If he didn't die on the battlefield he was going to die from anxiety.
                He held the gloves close to his chest and curled himself into a ball on the futon. The gloves were weird, but they were so familiar. He closed his eyes not sleeping, but not fully awake.
                I got this for you, a voice said. Madara could see himself being given a box, but he couldn't see the person that gave him. Madara saw himself open the box and inside he saw the same gloves. Thank you, the dream Madara said with a shy grin and red cheeks. I love it, he said standing up and walking round his table and up to the person that gave him the box. He was shocked when that Madara pulled that person in for a kiss.
                  Madara gasped and sat up like he had just been raised from the dead. What was that? Now it was official. He had been having that feeling that he was involved with someone after that dream in the office, but he was stubborn and kept pushing it aside.
                 From what he knew was that it was a work relationship. The person knew Han and knew of his strong hatred for him. The person must also be a shinobi because the gloves can't just be seen in a civilian's shop. He told Hashirama everything so maybe he would know something.
               He was about to run out, when he came to a halt. If he couldn't remember all this didn't that mean he had amnesia. Would Hashirama lie to him? No way, he said quickly dismissing the thought. Hashirama was his best friend and they had been through a lot. He would never lie.
               Maybe he decided to keep his relationship a secret. Maybe that's why no-one knew. He put the gloves on. Whoever that person was he or she should know he hadn't forgotten them. He changed to casual clothes and ran to Hashirama's house in the Senju clan.
               He had only reached the door when he heard loud voices like it was an argument. He reduced his chakra and went closer to the door. He opened it and slipped in.
                   Madara's POV
               I went to the direction in which I heard the voices. I walked stealthily to the kitchen. I heard two voices. Mainly Hashirama, but he didn't have that whiny childish voice. He sounded serious like when talking politics with diplomats.
                Stop looking at me like that! A voice yelled. He recognized that voice as Tobirama's voice. Why would I look at you like that huh? I'm looking at you normally. It's just your guilt talking. Do you think what you're doing is fair? Yes, he replied.
                Tobirama! He yelled. He doesn't know anyway so no one's  getting hurt. Is that what you think? Hashirama asked. What about you? Aren't you hurting. You were so happy   Tobi. You smiled and laughed everyday. Why don't you just tell him?
                 I'm happy he can't remember  Hashirama. Him and a Senju. It was kind of crazy anyway. His clan didn't accept it and neither did mine. It's better this way. You can't just leave him in the dark Tobirama. I can still see love in your eyes. What about his eyes?!  Tobirama countered. Hashirama kept quiet. Just like I thought.
                What if he wants to know? Hashirama asked. He doesn't, Tobirama finalized. And none of you should tell him anything. I think I was kind of crazy. Me and him. Tobi don't say that. If I can build this village anything is possible. Anything apart from that, Tobirama said. Are you just going to stay like that? Hashirama asked. Madara's heart hurt and he began to feel anger boil in his gut. Why was he so damn mad? He didn't know his chakra was getting high and spreading everywhere.
                           Normal POV
                I want to see what Han has to offer. Tobirama froze and quietly reached for a knife. He threw it and it went over Hashirama's shoulder and went through the wall. There was a startled yelp. Madara entered the kitchen still angry and he looked at two of them not trying to hide it.
                   How much did you hear? Hashirama asked. Tobirama glared at him. You have some nerve Uchiha. You were spying and eavesdropping. That's a new kind of low even for you. Tobirama's eyes went to Madara's hands and his words got stuck in his throat.
                   How did he? Tobirama asked himself. Who were you two talking about? And don't lie to me. Hashirama I take you a a dear friend and also a brother so please don't lie to me.
                   Everyone is acting weird and hiding stuff. Just tell me what happened before my accident. The whole room was silent and tense. Tobirama looking at Hashirama and Hashirama looking right back at him. Madara looked at the both of them. Tell me! He demanded. I have a right to know, don't I?
                   Madara, Hashirama began. The thing is.........
            There cliffhanger. This must get a lot of comments and ideas. Tune in again next time. Love from your author. FYI I typed from chapters 1-4 with a phone so I'm trying my best. The least you can do is comment and follow me.😫😫😫😫😫

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