A - Z

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So I finally found one I liked! If there was an unanswered question that I didn't answer feel free to ask! This tag is the A-Z tag that a got from StarryLilac. Let's start!

A - are you single?

B - birthday?
April 29th

C - crush?

D - drink you last had
Iced mocha

E - easiest person to talk to?
Friend group

F - favorite song?
2002 by Anne Marie

G - good at?

H - hair color?
Dark brown

I - in love with?

J - jealous of?
Barrett Wilbert Weed. She has such an amazing voice, plus she's tall like me and on Broadway, and she OWNS it. I'm tall for my age and I'm super self conscious about it :/

K - known the longest?
My friend who doesn't have a wattpad that I unfortunately don't see much anymore but it feels like I've known IcedDarkandRoasted for years so yea go follow ^^^

L - longest relationship?
The friendship with that friend

M - middle name?

N - number?
Idk what this means. Phone number: haha no. Lucky number: idk but they're cool. Maybe this can just stand for name. Well I won't say :/

O - one wish?
That people would stop leaving

P - person last texted?
A group chat called MARCHING BAND

Q - question often asked?
I get asked: idk
I ask: huh? or HoW iS iT pOsSiBlE tO hAvE tHiS mUcH tAlEnT?!

R - reason to smile?
You're alive. That's pretty awesome. <3 u keep on being awesome ;)

S - song last listened to?
Without Me by Halsey

T - time woke up?

U - what makes you smile?
Friends, music

V - violent moment?
Almost died in Cali once :/

W - worst fear?
Death. I don't wanna lose any more people I care about because the pain is horrible and I don't wanna die because it would absolutely crush me knowing that I'm putting people I care about through that pain

X - ex that you're still in love with?
I've never dated anyone, so I don't have an ex

Y - last hug you got?
:0 it doesn't start with Y!!! I have to fix this!

Y - ya like jazz?

nah jk the last hug I got was from a friend I hadn't seen in a while when I was at band camp. I won't put her name for privacy reasons

Z - Zodiac sign?

Extra questions:
Eye color: brown
Favorite color: blue/green
Age: 13
Grade: 8th

Feel free to ask me more things!

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