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After getting to know each other, we all decided to play Never Have I Ever and when I thought Squirrel Boy couldn't get any cuter, he got cuter.
He didn't know how to play the game and he shyly said so and it made my heart melt just watching him. I honestly don't even know how I feel about him anymore. Do I like him as a friend? Or do I like him more as a friend? I don't even know.
We decided to go from oldest to youngest and Woojin went first as we found out he was indeed the oldest.
"Uhhhh... Never Have I Ever... been attached to a stuffed animal or a blanket of some sort," I looked around and my heart melted once more.
Changbin, Jeongin, and Jisung all put a finger down.
Jisung having a stuffed animal or baby blanket? Yes. Just yes.
"Awww~" the Australian boy who spoke to me earlier, Felix, cooed at his significant other. "Binnie, you're so cute~"
"I'm not so cute when we're in bed and you're calling me daddy, am I?" the dark-haired boy snapped back and my eyes became saucers. Was not expecting that whatsoever.
Felix went silent after hearing that.
"ANYWAY," Chan screamed and then smiled. "My turn. Never Have I Ever... I'll start out easy.. Never Have I Ever not had sex," he smirked simply and looked around.
Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung all put a finger down.
I mean, it wasn't all that surprising since I figured they'd probably be the ones who hadn't, but I still mentally said "Oh shit".
No one spoke about that one and I'm glad or I think Jisung might've exploded. His face was completely red and he was looking away from the group so no one could see said wide blush. But I managed to catch it.
Next it was my turn, so I thought for a moment, letting out a long, soft hum as I thought.
"Never Have I Ever gotten kicked out of a public place because I did something stupid," I simply murmured. I mean, I feel like a lot of people have, but surprisingly, I haven't.
Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, and Chan put a finger down and I grinned.
"I need the stories, now," I demanded and they all sighed.
"Changbin and I stole a bunch of candy when we were drunk," Felix murmured and I nodded simply. I could definitely see that.
"I was randomly dancing in a Walmart, screaming the lyrics to Chewing Gum," Hyunjin muttered and I snickered softly. I wish I was there with him, that sounds like fun.
"Well, I did a prank and stormed into a restaurant and acted like I was a critic and then made a huge mess. I even went as far as putting on a mustache and a suit and stuff," Chan said and then laughed out loud. "I did it with BamBam," he added.
"Those all sound fun. I kinda want to get kicked out of some place now for being a nuisance," I murmured and then began thinking of what I could do to be kicked out of a place.
Apparently, Changbin already had his in his mind because he spoke very quickly.
"Never Have I Ever sent nudes," he murmured and surprisingly, almost all of us put a finger down besides Jeongin, Seungmin, and Woojin.
But everybody stopped dead when Jisung slowly put his finger down, looking at his lap.
"Holy shit, he's not as innocent as I thought," Felix murmured and then smiled, wrapping an arm around Squirrel Boy. Not gonna lie, I felt a little jealous because of the gesture, but I knew I shouldn't be. They were just friends and Felix had Changbin. It was just me being an angsty fucking teenager.
I was surprised at how many of us had sent nudes to be honest, but I wasn't judging at all.
It was Hyunjin's turn next.
"Never Have I Ever gone skinny dipping."

I was the only one who put my finger down out of all of them and I was honestly surprised Changbin and Felix hadn't.
"Well, fuck me then," I muttered and then growled softly.
"A-Ah... it's m-my turn," Han softly said and then thought for a moment.
"Never Have I Ever been catfished."
Luckily, no one put down a finger.
"Aww.. I wanted to expose someone," he murmured and I laughed gently. What a cutie.
"Never Have I Ever had a really embarrassing interaction with my crush," and then Felix coughed after he said that, muttering a small "Han Jisung" after that and I smiled, knowing that I was said crush.
"Y-Yeah..." Squirrel Boy slowly put down a finger.
My red-haired friend Seungmin went next.
"Never Have I Ever... cheated on someone." Thankfully, no one put their finger down, so I knew we all weren't assholes.
"Never Have I Ever had a sexy dream!" Jeongin yelled and I blinked. He was not known for being like that and saying stuff like that so I was a little surprised to say the least.
All of us besides Jeongin put a finger down.
Jisung was the loser.


Competition camp for band is tomorrow wOOT
I'm getting ready to be worked to death
So sorry for slow and scarce uploads, It's band camp ya'll

Stay Cool 😎

~Proofread and changed small details~

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