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I laugh at the fact that she was drooling. I Don't know why I did but I did. I thought about they Just Monika things. I kept thinking if I would see it again.
Before I know it, we had to got to school.
She woke up and started panicking when she realized she was drooling on me.

I laugh at her panicking session. I get up and and use a napkin and wipe the drool off.

Sayori: Sorry about drooling on you.

John: It's fine.

We walk to school and I had a realization.

Sayori became an introvert. I don't know when but she did.

I try to head to my 6th period but I was blocked by Austin.

John: I thought you were expelled.

Austin: I was suspended. But I'm back for revenge.

I look at him.

John: I'm not gonna be stupid like last time.

Austin: Well, I'm going to win this time. With no interruptions. I'll see you later.

He walks away. I put my hands back in my pockets and walk to my sixth period class, then my 7th.

School was over before I knew it. Sayori went home sick and I cancelled the meeting since everyone was busy today. Which I meant if I lost this I was done for.

I feel warm breathing go down my neck.

I jolt around to see my opponent. He swung a punch at me and I dodge it.

I have been in a lot of fights since then and I have learned my lesson about not hitting back.

I swung back with a stronger amount of force and landed it on the side of his face.

He swung back full force,before I could even realize he swung at me I got hit on the side of my jaw.

I looked at him and saw he didn't have much energy left within him so I took advantage and landed multiple strong hits int the face.

He picks me up and throws at the wall as a last result.

I gather enough energy to jab in the stomach and then land the final uppercut knocking him out.

Austin: Just Monika! Just Monika! Just Monika!

I pull out my knife and cut my arm so that it looks like a punch.

I call the ambulance and tell them what happened. The police came and questioned me.

Cop 1: You are free to go.

John: Ok thanks.

Cop 2: You sure you don't need medical assistance?

John: Yep. I'm sure.

Cop 3: You did the right thing by calling us instead of going home.

I smile and head home. I open the door and smell food.

Sayori: Oh there you are.

Natsuki: What took you so long?

Monika: Ye-

They all scream when they look at me.

Monika: W-what happened?!

John: I'm fine. I just fell down the stairs.

I smile to try and reassure them.

Natsuki: We can see right through your lies.

Monika: I go grab the first aid kit!

Natsuki: Come on tell us what actually happened?

John: Where is Yuri?

Sayori: Oh she went to the-


I look at her and sigh.

John: I got into a little tango with Austin. There are you happy?! IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH?!

I run out the door and head towards the cemetery.

John: Ethan, What do I do? I going insane.
You were all ways there for me. Now you're aren't. You always knew what to do and I didn't even know you that long!

I tear up.

I hear people saying Just Monika but it just flys through my head and out the other way and stops.
I get startled when two arms wrap around me.

I turn to see Lilly.

Lilly: Just Monika.

I blink and it was just Sayori.

Sayori: Look at yourself you need to get bandaged!

John: I'm fine. It's Austin you should be worried about.

Sayori: Why would I care for that douche?

John: He was put in the hospital. I was supposed but I refused.

Sayori frowns by that statement.

John: I wanted to check on you.

I lied. I don't why I refused. I wanted to go really bad because I'm in a lot of pain. But I couldn't say that, it wouldn't allow it.

I look up at Sayori. Apparently I looked even worse because she practically sprinted to the house pulling me along.

She pushes the door open and lays me down on the couch. I try to get up but I was pushed back down by Sayori. I decided there was no point in fighting so I gave in and let the girls patch me up.

Monika: I have to go buy a few more first aid kits and some food.

She leaves and both girls start to talk at once

Natsuki & Sayori: Will you go out with me?

Shit. I knew this would come. Damn it!

John: I... uh.......

I look back and forth between the two and make.

John: Could you write it on a card and I will circle my answer.

Natsuki and Sayori work together to make the card.

Then hand me it.

Will You go out with...

Natsuki or Sayori???

I circle my answer and hand them the card.

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