Ravenclaw Pride

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As we approached our common rooms, the Prefect turned around and spoke "To enter the common room, you must answer the riddle the Eagle Knocker's riddle correctly. If you get it wrong, you must wait for another student to answer it correctly for you. For example..." He turned around towards the door, and the Eagle stated a riddle. "I have a heart of gold, and I smell when I'm old. What am I?" The door riddled. The prefect turned to us again, "Anyone know?" I started to think. Heart of gold, smells when old. Maybe... "An Egg!" I shouted. "Correct!" The door announced, and it opened. "Who said that?" The prefect asked. "I-I did!" I say shyly. "And what might your name be?" He asked another question. "Y/N! Y/N Loveheart!" I said with more confidence than before. "Good job, Y/N! I can see that you'll already succeed!" I smile as he says that.

We all finally enter the common room, and get a tour. "Girls to the left, and boys to the right. Pick a bed in your dorms, then you can look around the rest. Got any questions, ask me or the other prefect, or any of the teachers if you see them. Head of House if Professor Flitwick, and he will also be your charms teacher." The prefect said, then pointed at the direction of the dorms. Girls headed left, boys headed right. I followed where I was supposed to go.

As I enter the room, I realized I was the last one in there. So that means I get whatever bed is left, which so happens to be at the very back in a dark corner. I walk to the back to where my bed it, and I place all my belongings in the proper drawers, and place other stuff in the trunk provided at the end of my bed. After I finished that, I decided to look at my schedule for the year. It read:

Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Flying, and Herbology. 

In that specific order. I think all first years have it in this order, but that's just an assumption. I decide to take a quick nap before classes start at 2. 


Update is here! Thanks for reading! Update either tomorrow or Sunday!

{DISCONTINUED} It All Started With A "Sorry" • Luna Lovegood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now