To The Way That You Kiss On Me - Part 5

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Three Years. It's been officially been three years since you and Harry have been together. Today was your anniversary and it was going to be all about the two of you. You two wanted to get away for a bit but didn't want to have to deal with a bunch of traveling, so you opted for heading up to Napa Valley aka wine country. You were staying for a few days, so you didn't have to worry about packing a bunch of things.

"We need to get going, our flight leaves soon," Harry says.

"I'm all ready to go," You laugh. "You're the one taking forever."

He laughs. "I just had to make sure I had everything packed and ready to go."

"You act like we're gonna be in some remote location for weeks," you giggle.

"There's just some things I needed to make sure I had," he blushes.

"Okay, so are we ready to go?" You ask.

He nods and grabs your bags and his and you head downstairs. The driver was already waiting in the driveway and came to help Harry put the bags in the trunk of the car.

"Thank you," Harry smiles

The driver nods and you all get into the car.

"I'm looking forward to this little getaway," Harry smiles taking your hand.

"I am too, especially since it's our anniversary," You smile.

"This is our third, and I hope we'll have lots more." He smiles lacing his fingers with yours.

"Are you saying forever?" You smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He smiles. "Although, I do wonder if when people get married, do you they just start celebrating the wedding anniversary and forget about the date that got together or to the celebrate both?"

"We can just make it easy and make sure to get married on the same day." You giggle.

He laughs. "That works too."

Soon you two get to LAX and head inside with your bags. Your flight takes a little over an hour and you two head straight to your little private villa in Napa Valley. Harry takes the key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He picks up the bags, heading inside.

"Wow." You smile. "This place is huge and bring. I love it. I'm going to look out at the balcony."

Harry laughs and puts the bags in the bedroom before joining you outside.

"Did you know that the tub and shower were outside?" You ask when he walks out.

"Perhaps..." he smirks.

"You would." You laugh.

"Hey, look it's peaceful. I would love to have our own shower outside," he smirks. "And besides, no one can see us," he whispers wrapping his arms around you. "Wanna try it out..."

"Not yet." You laugh. "But we will, soon I promise. I want to look around the villa some more before we check out the grounds."

"Ugh, fine." He mumbles.

"Aww, you poor thing," You giggle turning around to face him. "You'll live."

"No, I won't. What if we're outside looking around and I trip and fall and like break up something." He says. "We might not be able to have sex this whole trip!" He says dramatically.

"I have a solution to that hypothetical problem. Don't fall and break anything." You smirk. "Now, let's go."

You two walk out of your villa to walk around the vineyard and other parts of the grounds. Harry holds your hand as you walk around looking at everything.

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