chapter 1

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I feel onto the gravel ground i'm not sure how i ended up here or even what year it is to be honest.i look around and i see hogsmead full of people shopping .once i got myself together i looking for information as i wonder through hogsmead i notice things are different to when i started hogwarts. there still is honeydukes and the hog heads,so i must not have gone to far back .i find its 1970 thanks to the papers,so that means the mauders and mum start next year .i have no way back so i need to make a plan to say and make a life here so i compile a list of things to do 

TO DO:                                                                                                                                                                                get house 

get job  - hogwarts ?

go to gringots   sort accounts,name,etc out 

first stop gringots i apparated there ad sorted out all of my accounts and details .i tell the goblin about my situation and make an unbreakable bond whith him to not tell anyone 

moneys moved over .vault set up in new name .got new name 

my new name was diffilcult to come up with  but in the end i decide to stick with harry  but leangtten it to harrison and have my middle names of two of the best people i know and love and came up with a completly random sername

their for my new name is 


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