Act 2: happy wriggler day

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>wait on pedestal for friend to finish

You wait on a short pedestal as your friend wraps measuring tape around your frame. This has become eerily awkward.

>make pleasant conversation

(YN): What the hell are you even mea§uring??
KANAYA: I Am Measuring Your Waist.
KANAYA: I Think I Know What To Sew You Now

>Kanaya: stop molesting your friend

Kanaya goes to sit at her desk and she begins scribbling down shit on her tattered paper thing. You step down and suddenly the lights go off.

Kanaya glows softly. She appears to be holding something. As her glow gets brighter you can see a box wrapped in her hand and your fellow trolls around her.

>Sing show tunes nervously

Now is not the time for show tunes!

They begin singing

Happy wriggler day to you
Happy wriggler day to you
We hope you won't be cuuuulled
On your wriggler day toniight!

>break down in nervous laughter

Fair enough!

You begin laughing and smiling at your friends. "Jeez guys!" Your face glows in your blood color and you bashfully hide behind your shoulder.

>accept gift

You take the gift from Kanaya as someone switches the lights on. You sit down and unwrap the box.

What beautiful atrocities could await!

>rip out whatever is in there and hold it above your head as if you've just found treasure

You take out a brand new strife kind, a new stack Modus, paints, a stuffed (zodiac animal), and.... a card that says open up?

Alternia usually doesn't do cards, they're seen as an act of violence. You'll let this one slide though.


You open up the card.

"H3Y PR3TTY L4DY >;] H3H3H3H3

It ends there.

You look at the back with a confused look. All of a sudden someone jumped on your back. You just hear giggling and already know.

>turn and face PR3TTY L4DY NO. 2

You turn around and meet yellow eyes. She smiles and ruffles your hair. "H3H3H3H3! 1 TOLD YOU!" She laughed and hugged you tightly.

You practically picked her up and spun her around. You both laughed as Nepeta and Karkat watched you two. They had their shipping notebooks ready. Nepeta even had a camera.

>spend quality time with flush crush

You and terezi talked for hours on the couch. No one bothered you guys. You both sat on the edge of the hive. Your hands were inches from each other.

You were a bit nervous next to her. She was a trolling master and you never knew when she was actually flirting with you or just trolling you.

Man you're a sucky troll.

I you turned to terezi. She was looking up at the stars. "Y4 know... 1 just w4nt to st4r3 4t th3 sky for3v3r." She said softly. You smiled. "Yeah, I agree" you chuckled. Terezi looked over at you. "1 n3v3r w4nt to stop look1ng 4t you 31th3r (y/n)" you almost choked on air.

Your face went bright (b/c) "H3H3H3H3! OH M4N YOU SHOULD'V3 S33N YOUR F4C3!" She laughed her ass off and fell back.

You didn't laugh. You should've known. You looked away and down at the ground. "Yeah, you got me Terezi.." this is what you meant by things weren't the same anymore.

This joke would've been hilarious as her moirail but this just hurt you. Terezi looked at you concerned. "(Y/N)? Do 1 n33d to sl4p som3on3? Or mys3lf?" She asked with honest concern.

She only uses her soft voice when she's trolling someone of being seriously comforting. She knew it was a problem that there was no line for others when it came to her trolling and honest personality.

"No. I ju§t have to go.." You got up and walked away. "(Y/n), w41t!" She called and grabbed you. "§top looking at me.. plea§e.." you pulled your arm away and walked off.

[Terezi x Fem! Troll! Reader] Burn my tender eyesWhere stories live. Discover now