Cutting onions

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My friend watches 13 reasons why
And one day when I was over at her house she decided that she was going to watch an episode or 2 because she was almost done with the season.

So you know I was like "um okay? Just keep it down because I'm reading a book"

(Go read SILKSEAVEY 's book Baby it's amazing) 💖😂

Anyways she was like "okay sure". Then she pressed play and started watching the show.

I ended up finishing the book that same night and the Internet wasn't really on my side so I just decided to why not watch the show with her.

She was on the last episode of season 2 and let me just tell you.

I was bawling my eyes out.

I had to full on get up and walk into the bathroom to get a toilet paper roll.

I refuse to ever watch that again.

My heart already aches and I only watched one episode.

I'm such a marshmallow it's not even funny.

Call me Mr.Soft from now on.

I really need some Jachary or Zonah Fluff right now.........

Someone reply to my call for help.



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