Chapter 1: Awakening

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For the purposes of this story, Shuichi Saihara (protagonist of v3) does not exist. You, Airi Ito, are the protagonist of this story. All other v3 game characters will exist within this story as they are in the game. There will be some spoilers throughout the series and some things that are altered so please at least have finished past the 3rd class trial to avoid any spoilers.

You awoke in a room you had never seen before. As questioning thoughts slowly began to form in your mind, you rose from the bed you were laying on.

"Where am I?" The only thing you seem to remember is your name. Though it is a good start, anxiety formed in the back of your mind. Not knowing whose room you were in and why gave you fear that only increased as seconds went by. Instead of feeding your anxiety, you decide to look around the room for clues to identify whose room it belongs to. There isn't much to be seen in the bedroom you woke up in. You checked the bathroom adjoining the room and the closet. The closet was stocked with clothes similar to what you were currently wearing. "That's weird. Is this supposed to be my room?" You look in every corner of the room searching for any personal belongings, but there was nothing else that suggested anything personal. The room is neat, as if it was just cleaned before you woke up, or as if no one had ever lived in it at all.

In the top corner of the room, a television is mounted on the wall. "I don't see a remote control," you mutter to yourself. There were no buttons on it either. The blank screen showed your reflection looking puzzled in its shiny surface. Several seconds later, you decide to leave the room through the only entrance the room seemed to have. You carefully turn the knob, unaware of what might be waiting on the other side. You were on the ground floor of a two-story building. There was no one to be found on the ground floor or the second floor. However, something caught your attention on each door. There was a different picture posted on it. Still standing in your own doorway, you turned to face your door. There was a small photo of you framed on the center of the door. "So this must be my room..." you said quietly. Too afraid to venture outside of the room, you decided to go back to the bed. Just before you touched your knee to the edge of the comforter, the television turned itself on automatically.

On the screen, a very round bear with a black and white body appeared causing you to scream briefly. "ATTENTION STUDENTS! Please meet in the gymnasium IMMEDIATELY. This has been a bear-y important message. See you there!" The television cut off on its own.

"Who was that?!" you asked yourself out loud. You had no idea what the robotic bear was but the only way to find out was probably going to the gymnasium. After using the bathroom, you proceeded to find the gymnasium. Upon exiting the building, you looked up to the sky to see a dome surrounding the area. Looking downward, you saw full trees and bushes standing upon green grass, presently being trimmed by the largest machines you had ever seen. To your right, you saw a large building. It was the closest building to the building you stepped out of. "I guess the gymnasium would be in here," you thought.

You entered the building. Upon first impression, the interior of the building was very unkempt in comparison with the exterior. Grass shot up from the floor and dirt covered barred windows. So far, there were no sounds except the faint sounds of the machines outside cutting grass. Casually walking through the hallways, you reach the end of a hallway and came face to face with large double doors standing next to a sign that read "GYM."

When you opened the right-hand door, fifteen others stood in the room. Everyone looked so vastly different from one another. You wore a short pleated black skirt, a collared white blouse, with a fitting sweater in deep purple. Your shoes were knee-high black boots with a zipper in back and a small heel on the sole. You saw a blonde girl in a pink sleeveless sweater and another girl with blue hair braided in pigtails wearing a blue sweater. None of the guys were dressed the same either, some in plain clothes, some in more uniform-style attire. Seeing a large group of students was a lot to take in at once, especially when they were all staring at you wordlessly, equally as discerning of you.

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