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Hello there, im back to write, not that u care

this time its about the body that everyone wants, but no one needs

that when its not perfect  they carve it so it bleeds.

people get so upset because they arent perfect

and todays standards of pretty r just so strict.

you have to be ever so skinny, 

your waist extremly mini.

because if yu look this way, you feel loved

you feel included and gloved.

but way deep down  thats not what u wanted,

what you truly wanted was to be excepted,

black or white, gay or straight, fat or thin, life wasnt what u expected.

you were fooled into changing yourself for people who never cared

because if they did care then u wouldnt have thought that u had to change yourself and ur heart would have been spared.

but now ur heart is broke all those wors that were spoke, they hurt so bad.. they left u hopeless and sad.

never change youself for someone else. be who u want to be, dont let the aters change what u see.

what matters is that u see yourself beautiful, not if others do...

be happy and glad but most of all be... YOU

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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