Week 1

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Hello! Welcome to the first week of the Wattpad Army book club! I hope everyone will enjoy it and no issues will occur, just remember the rules and all shall go well!

If any issues do occur or in case you have any queries, feel free to contact any of the admins -






Bella's Art by aesthetical_girl

P.S. It is an art book so all the members are requested to leave your reviews on any two chapters of the book accordingly.


Group head : angeliccat

Sweet Turns Bitter by Bozo_King
Don't Let The Bonfires Go Out by -homosapien-

Eye Colour by jinteYTfreak88
The Undead by Hopeless_Bxtch

Group head : kiliveedu

Home by bmafia_music
Arrow and Stars by xAnaSofix

My Boss Ships Us?! by mysteriousskydiver
Sorry Twinnie by laurel_013

Doyle and the Battle of : Good Vs Evil by lysjulys
He'll Never Feel the Same....Ever by impractically_oof

Group head : paint_me_colourless

My Epitome Of Love by LilyM101
The Collection by Dalaxion

The Way Of The Island by Quiet_koala
Iridescent by 15teekay

Secretly Different by Nora_Onnanoko
Truth Behind Mystery's Past by xlyssaxxb

Group head : ReemAlshami

Bella's Art by aesthetical_girl
Never Be The Same by vishwajayawardhana [Done]

Pick me by kwyeth21
Love Next Door by wittyglen

Dusk Till Dawn by princesshayiffos [Done]
Not Everyone Gets A Happy Ending by Leumas_L_Sypher [Done partners]
The Galaxy's New Beginning by Emsimagination

As you can tell, the last group consists of three people since there is an odd number of members. This will work by Princesshayiffos reading Leumas_L_Sypher's work, Leumas_L_Sypher reading Emsimagination's work, and Emsimagination reading Princesshayiffos's work. 

I hope that makes sense!

Next, we have two such members who do not have any works of their own and have still joined the book club since they love reading so much. Since they do not have a book of their own, we are not partnering them up with someone else. They will instead be assigned books by us to read based on reverse alphabetic order of the usernames of the members as well as the admins. So here goes -

Arrow and Stars by xAnaSofix  is to be read by XxThtallygirlxX.

 ● Truth Behind Mystery's Past by xlyssaxxb is to be read by aayushi15.  

Both of you are requested to tag the respective author of the book and angeliccat once you have reviewed the books assigned to you.


Any of the members can read and review more than the three mandate chapters they are assigned to read for the coming ten days or read and review any book from the ones mentioned here if they wish to do so. In case any of the members does so, they are requested to do the following two things - 

● Inform your respective group's heads through an Instagram DM or a Wattpad PM. You will receive a reply within 24 hours.

● Tag the author of the book you have reviewed as well as your group head once you are done reviewing the books you have chosen.

● vishwajayawardhana is to review three chapters of the featured book since its author is their assigned partner.

Your ten days begin today, July 24, 2018. You have ten days to review the featured book and your partner's book. Please complete your assigned tasks by August 3, 2018 at 12 noon according to the Greenwich Mean Time. 

Okay, that's all! Have fun everyone and make sure to contact your respective group heads or one of any of the admins if you need help with anything. You'll receive your replies within 24 hours.

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