What happened to us? (Harry Styles fanfiction)

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Chapter 1

The days were counting down, the clock ticking with each second that passed. Each day Harry got more distant, his usual cheeky, dimple filled, smile fading. His laughter, drifting away. His eyes, drrowing of that amazing emerald green color. His attention turning into day dreaming. I was, trying to keep myself happy. Enjoy the last few days together with them, before they were shipped off to America for a world tour. A year? A year and 4 months. I won't see my baby for that long. My Haz. He said "Distance doesnt matter, as long as we are together, and love each other, nothing matters." He looked so sincere. He promised he will always love me, we will be together. I used to think things lasted forever.........not anymore.


the leaving day

"Steph! I promise, we will talk everyday, skype, text, call, who cares? I love you and that will never change. I will marry you someday. Just, wait. It is only a year and 4 months. I will be back sooner than you know! Belive in me. But, most certainly believe in us." He kissed me goodbye, it was passionate. Showing all our emotions. He eventually had to pull back, he can't miss his flight. He rested his forehead against mine, "Believe." And kissed me before he walked towards the plane. Turning around when he reached it, signalling and mouthing "I Love You" I blew a kiss, and with that he turned and entered the plane. I walked back over to my car, stepping into the vehicle. Rubbing my lips, i knew that was the last time I would feel his lips for a very long time. Or maybe....forever?

Present day:

After Harry left, things went perfectly fine. We texted alot,each day. Called at lunch and night. And skyped every night. Then, as more time passed, he started saying "really busy, cant talk" "Have rehearsels, gotta go!" Or any excuse. I didn't know if he was telling the truth, but when the texts, calls, and video chats called, i knew, I was no longer loved by Harry. He had given up. Maybe, found someone better. Maybe, forget all about me. He was a busy guy, being famous. Fame got to him.

So, like you could've expected, i never heard from Harry again. Although, i had gotten texts sometimes from the other boys, i had become close with them after dating harry for 7 months.

In the magazines, were pictures of Harry at clubs, with girls, or out with random chicks. And, if you want me to be honest. It hurt, alot. Seeing your, i don't even know if i should call it ex, when we never actually broke up, but obviously in his mind we did. So yeah, seeing your ex, making out, dancing, going on dates with randon chicks, stung. It broke my heart. I just, i can't even anymore.

So, one day. I was sitting in my bed and decided, if I ever see One Direction, Harry, or any of them, i will pretend to have not ever known them. Hm, pretty smart, huh? Okay, whatever, think what you want. Conversation closed.

I lay in my bed just resting, when I got bored. I decided to pick up my phone and go on twitter. I went to trends and my heart dropped. Trending was "Harry and Kylie" Oh wonderful. He found a girl. Ever think to break up with your forgotten girlfriend yet? Hah, NOPE! I wanted to scream. Or pull my hair out. Or just cry. But no. I wont. I will...........................sing!

Yes, and play piano. I never really told the boys, or harry, even though i was with them for 7 months or so. Whenever they would ask me to sing i would be like "No, I am not embaressing myself." Or just "My throat hurts already."

When truth was, I was a pretty darn good singer. I just, didn't like people knowing I could sing. My mom knew. She, was my only family. So, i didnt mind if she knew. It was just, it was like my secret talent, if in life, i ever want to spice stuff up, i will go on x factor, or something. Give it a shot. I could also play guitar and piano. Which the guys also never knew.

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