chap 2

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Stephs pov:

I would've slept till 12 today like I had wanted, except for the fact that I had the crapiest curtains in my room and therefore the sun shined through and lit up my whole bedroom keeping me awake. LOVELY. I gave up trying to fall back asleep, and got out of bed. It was 10:15, so I took a quick shower, and then got ready wearing light very ripped jeans, high heeled leather boots, and a pink sweater that went low on one shoulder. I put my long brown ombre hair into a braid and hung that on the other shoudler. For makeup I just had eyeliner, mascara, light blush, and lipstick. Lipstick was my favorite part, I was almost always seen wearing lipstick. I grabbed silver aviators and my phone before walking downstairs. In the kitchen I dug through the fridge in search for something decent for zero nothing. 

I got into my typical black convertable with the two yellow stripes on the back. When I said I didn't want my mother paying the school bills, it wasn't because we couldn't afford it, it was because it wasn't neccesary. There was no reason for it, and I felt bad for her if she was wasting our money on something like that. I sped off to my special starbucks cafe in this hidden little part of town. Only like three people go there, me being one of them. I go there so often, and I know all the workers. Especially James, the new worker. He is very cute with shaggy dirty blonde hair, he iss tan and has freckles on his cheeks, and blue eyes. Him and I have a small thing, but not dating. We are more of friends that flirt and just joke around, and know we are attracted to each other but don't exactly want to committ to each other. 

I pulled up, parking in my front spont like always and stepped out observing my parking job. Awful as always! I laughed at my fail, and walked in to the store. I noticed James working the register and instantly smirked, I could get him to give me a discount if I tried hard enough. heheh. When it was my turn I got up, he wasn't looking up at first, so when he looked up noticing me he smiled. "Hey babe, what you want? The usual?" "Yes please, you know me too well." I laughed a little, and stood there waiting for my drink. I was too busy focusing on James to realize six figures walk in behind me. "And extra whipped cream please!" "Already on it." I smiled shaking my head. Once he gave me my vanilla bean frap, with two pumps of raspberry, (the cotton candy frappe), I smiled tasting the whipped cream. "Deee-lish!" "Want me to total it up?" "Well, will you please pwetty pwetty pwease use your discount on me?!" I did my classic pouty face, and thankfully he gave in. "Fine just for you babe." He told me the total and I paid, then I pecked him on the cheek. "Text me tonight?" "Ofcourse!" I answered, before turning and seeing, the band, including Harry and....Harrys bitch. I caught eye contact with Harry, I blinked before turning and walking out like he was just any other stranger. Operation A: run into the band and pretend you don't know them....Complete.

Harrys Pov: 

The boys, Kiley, and I all woke up this morning without any good food in the bungalow so we decided we would go out. The best place around was Stephs little cafe, so I took them there, I reallt shouldn't have because it was her thing but I just went. When we pulled up I noticed, and Niall did too, Stephs black convertable with the all too familiar yellow stripes. And not to mention her terrible parking job, which i always thought was so adorable. Niall and I caught eye contact and I nodded telling him that it in fact was her car.

When we got in the shop, Steph was in line. She ofcourse had on an adorable outfit like she used to always wear back when I had her.---HARRY STOP THESE THOUGHTS. YOU HAVE KILEY....but what if i don't want Kiley?

Steph was talking to the guy working the register, his nametag said James, and they seemed really close. She got her famous cotton candy frappe with extra whipped cream. I heard her begging for his discount, using her pouty voice. Damn I missed hearing that. She even kissed him on the cheek. I remember when she used to kiss me on the cheek. She turned and finally noticed us, she took a look at Kiley and held back a laugh it seemed like, before looking at me and blinking before walking out like I was nothing. Like she never  met me, dated me, or loved me. Why, what, no.!!

Nialls Pov:

Seeing Steph today didn't go so well. First, she looked great she had gotten more attractive and was still wearing cute fact she looked better than ever. She didn't appear that the relationship had affected her at all, she was even quite cozy with the worker. And the worst part... for the second time she acted like she didn't know who we were. I could see her holding back a laugh at the look of Kiley though which meant she was still the same old Steph, laughing at the fake whores and staying true to herself. Me and Steph were always the closest out of the band, besides Harry ofcourse, and for a while after we left me and her still kept in contact. But because of Harry everything had to fade. I hope he regrets it. I hope he regrets it goddamn well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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