Babysitting for 8

355 14 12

(Jahseh's pov)

It was raining outside so we had to move our house robbery plans to next week since rain was expected all week until monday i couldn't do much so me, Jarad and Lizzy were just chilling at her house

"Aye Lizzy are you having a boy or a girl" i asked

"i'm not spoiling the surprize" Lizzy said winking

"i can see why you like her so much ya'll both secretive" Jarad said

"not only that she's just what i need someone who listens" I said

at that moment i got a call from my mom and immediatly answered it

"Hi mom whats up" i said

"Jahseh can you do me a huge favor" My mom asked

"i'm listening" i said already feeling nervous

"can you take care of Aiden for a few days" My mom asked she sounded stressed

"why" i asked "i'm busy"

"Jahseh please i need you" My mom said "i'll pay you for doing it"

"how long do i have to watch him" i asked

"3 weeks" My mom said "you two get along well so their shouldn't be any problems"

"why am i watching him though" i asked

"i gotta go pick up your father, he lost somewhere" My mom said

"did you just say lost" i said surprizied

"Can you just watch Aiden for me how does $100 bucks sound" my mom asked

"thats cool you want me to pick him up" I asked

"yes please hurry" My mom said sounding worst than she already was

"whats Jahseh" Lizzy said

"ok so u know my brother Aiden right" I said "my mom wants me to babysit him for 3 weeks"

"whats the catch" Jarad asked raising a eyebrow

"$100" i answered "we gotta go pick him up"

"How old is Aiden" Lizzy asked

"he turns 8 in November" i said

"Thats easy i don't know why your so stressed" Jarad said

"i'm stressed because i'm worried about my mom she has to pick up my dad because he's lost" i said mumbling the last part

"god damn your family is messed up" Jarad said

"C'mon Jarad let's go pick him up" i said

The Drive from Lizzy's house to my mom's house was longer than i thought it was almost 2 hours but we tried to entertain ourselves by listening to music and telling funny stories with each other until we finally pulled up to the house the rain had toned down to a small drizzle by then.

i knocked on the door loud as fuck and i heard a tiny voice then it finally opened

"oh my lord look how big you are" My mom said hugging me

"Hey mom" i said hugging back

"Damn Jahseh you gotten tall" Aiden said appearing from behind me

"not really i'm 5"6"i said "how are you"

"good" Aiden answered

"you got your stuff Aiden" my mom asked

"yes" Aiden said grabbing his loaded backpack

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