Chapter One

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Lafayette's POV

I got off the plane and all I could think was finally. I was going to College in New York. I was 3,700 miles away from my abusive father. I was in a place where I could finally be myself and not get shit for it. Even better is that nobody knows who I am. No one knows my past. 

"Hey kid it's pretty hot to be wearing a long sleeve and pants." Someone yelled at me. They were correct but nobody needed to see all of the bruises and cuts on my body. 

"Ah. Désolé." Why was I speaking French? "I mean, Sorry." I need to stop speaking. I am embarrassing myself.

"No it's no problem man, I'm just giving you some warning  that it gets quite hot in New York." 

"Thank you for the tip." I get my bag and I head off to kings college. As I am in the taxi I wonder about my new life in America. Will my roommate be okay with me being gay? I probably will not mention that as soon as I meet him. I hope I can become friends with him. I have seen enough American movies to understand that roommates can be different. But Maybe that is just for the comedy. He probably won't be there yet. I am two weeks early. 

I arrive at King's, get my keys and go to my dorm. As I walked down the hall I started to panic. I tried to calm down in case someone was in my dorm. I got in there and thankfully I was all alone. I ended up having a panic attack. After about half an hour, I manage to calm down. I pack my stuff away and take a nap. My nap lasted a bit longer than I had expected. I had slept until 4 pm the next day. 

I go out on the town. I did not have much money so I needed to find a job. luckily there was a coffee shop very close to me that was hiring. I go back to my dorm and write up a resume. I hand it in and the next day I get an interview. They liked me so they hired me. 

time skip- one week 

I went to work that morning and it was boring as per usual. Not a lot of students were on campus yet so there were only the same 7 people that came in every day. My boss tells me I can take a break but it does not matter because no one was here. closing time came around and just as I was locking the door a very cute boy ran up.

"Hey. Ummm. sorry, I see you-your uhh closing buy can I uhh get a coffee?" He asked. He seemed very nervous. I made him the coffee and closed up the Cafe. I went to my dorm and was quite surprised that I still had no roommate. I really hope someone comes because I would really enjoy a friend. I think about that cute boy that came in today. I had never seen him before. I hope  I have classes with him. I doubt it though. With his all black clothes and a nice face. he looked more like a jock instead of majoring in arts like me.  


Hercules POV

"Alex Is swear to god if you poke me one more god damn time I will put a bullet through your head," John yells at Alex. We were quite squished in the small taxi but we didn't have much longer to get to King's college. I just hope that we will be able to get our keys as it is 8 pm already. We arrive at the campus and luckily no one killed each other. we grab our bags and I spot a coffee shop. I was desperate for caffeine but they were closing so I quickly ran up and asked for one. Normally, I don't stutter when speaking. I'm pretty confident but the barista was super hot. His hair was very big and he had it back in a bun. But I just couldn't get over his face. He was gorgeous. I couldn't believe the things I was thinking about him. Especially since I'm straight. I've never liked a guy before. My only male friends are Alex and John and they are too annoying to be attracted to them. All my other friends are females. I can't believe that I was falling for a guy. 

  "Hey. Ummm. sorry, I see you-your uhh closing buy can I uhh get a coffee?" I stuttered. I probably seemed like a complete fool. 

"Not a problem mon ami." He replied. He had a gorgeous French accent. I really hope I would see him around campus. The coffee shop would definitely be my new favourite place. He looks to Jock- like to be Majoring in art though, that sucks. I kind of just stared at him as he made the coffee for me. 

"Sir, Uhh sir? your coffee is ready." I snapped out of my daze.

'Oh, umm, thank you. Ha-have a goodnight." Man, I still seem like a fool. As I walked I ran back to pay because I was daydreaming about the pretty boy too much that I totally forgot. 

I got back to Alex and John. We got our keys and head up to our dorms. Alex and John had a dorm together and I had some roommate who I didn't know. I was super nervous meet my roommate and was still stunned by the pretty barista so I stayed in Alex and John' room. John and Alex went to bed and I opened my sketchbook to sketch some clothes I may make later. Peggy's birthday is coming up soon. I may make her a sweater or dress. It has to be yellow though. She adores the colour yellow.

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