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"Hey there I'm Niall."

"Hi Niall- ow- could you em please get Myra?"

"Yeah sure uhm wait one sec."

I spun on his heel leaving me on the floor trying to figure out how to stop the pain that the hot coffee had caused. Myra came and helped me up, taking me to one of the rooms at the back of the lounge to change and apply a cream to help soothe my pain. Returning to the main part of the building, I was surprised to find Niall still there looking somewhat- worried?

"Oh my God are you ok? I was so worried that you were seriously hurt and were gonna sue me or something and-"

"Niall calm down. I'm okay. Yes I did get burned but other than that I'm fine. And don't worry I'm not going to sue you." I said, smiling lightly to try and soothe the poor boys nerves.

"Thanks and sorry again er-"


"Aaliyah, thats a beautiful name. If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here so late at night?"

"I might ask you the same thing," I replied, trying to buy myself time to make up an excuse.

"Touché" he chuckled.

"I came here to think, escape my problems," I whispered, shocking myself. I don't know what it was about him that made me feel like I could trust him.

"Me too." he said, his blue eyes meeting mine.

We sat there in silence for what felt like eternity but it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one. Myra came in with my milkshake and drank it gratefully, loving the creamy substance gliding down my throat. I let out a satisfied hum after closing my eyes, only to hear a small laugh.


"Nothing, its just you got so lost and it was as if it was just you and you're milkshake. You looked so happy."

"Oh yeah I guess thats another thing I use to get me away from my problems, food."

"Wise choice of stress release."

"So tell me,oh mysterious Aaliyah, where abouts are you from?"

"East London"

"No I mean as in where were you born? If it isn't already obvious, I was born in Ireland," he said with a smile.

"You don't say. I was born in Pakistan, but I moved here 10 years ago," I replied.

"Oh thats so cool. Does that mean you can speak a different language?" he said his eyes lighting up, as if he really was interested in what I had to say. That was something I was not used to. Throught my whole life, no one had ever paid attention to me, primarily because I lived in a male dominated society where women ment nothing. I was always against this. They used Islam as an excuse for treating women like crap but that is NOT what Islam is about.


"What language?"


"I've never heard of it but is sounds like a cool language."

I smled. I had known this man for an hour and I already like him more than I did my father.

"Its pretty cool. Ok so now you know that I'm from East London but originaly from Pakistan and I can speak Urdu. Thing is, the only thing that I know about you is that you're Irish. How is that fair?"I daid with a smirk.

"Ok. But hold on a sec, I need a drink. Excuse me Myra, could you please get me a glass of beer?" The lady nodded, not saying a word about how late it was and that Niall should be leaving.

"Would you like some Aaliyah?"

"Um no, no thanks I don't drink,"

"Oh right sorry"

"It's fine"

We spent the God knows how many hours after that, just sitting and talking, me going through several different flavours of milkshake and Niall drinking a few more pints of beer. The clock struck and we both peered over to see that it was 4AM.

"Wow time flies by when you're having fun"

"You were having fun? With me?" I was thoroughly perplexed. No one had ever said that they enjoyed having me as company.

"Um yeah I mean that you're a great girl with the most beautiful eyes I've ever-" he stopped himself probably after seeing my wide eyed expression. This is wrong. This man shouldn't be saying these things about me. We aren't married,and he is a stranger. We shouldn't have spent so much time together. He's probaly drunk after so many pints of beer too. I must distance myself from hime immediately.

I backed away, "Goodbye Niall," I whispered. This made so sad.So sad because I'd finally been happy after so many years for a mere few hours and I had crossed I line. I must do my best to maintain a civil friendship without becoming more and and overstepping every boundary set by Islam.

""Hey listen Aaliyah, I wasn't supposed to say that. I just meant that I like you and I'd really love to spend more time with you, as friends of course. That is if you'd like too" he said, seeming quite nervous.Reliefe washed overme. As friends of course. That was ok wasn't it? Friends. there isn't anything wrong with having friends right?

Smiling, I nodded,

"I''d love to Niall"

He relaxed and his shoulders resumed their realxed position from being so tense.

Smiling, he came forward with his arms open but I stepped back.

Clearing his throat and puttinghis arms down awkwardly, he said

Too soon?"

A smile played on his lips and he raised an eyebrow as I extended a hand for him to shake.

Laughing,he took it, and said,

"Can I meet you here tomorrow again? Say 4?"

I nodded, smiling at his eagerness to see me again but also at the fact that I had made a new friend today after so many years.

"I'll see you then Liyah," leaving me with the sight of his lopsided grin glued to the back of my eyelids.

A Breath of Something Great -Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now