10. Strange Happenings

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Anikaa reached the villa by 6 pm. It took her two hours to reach home as it had started raining again and the mountainous roads had become muddy and slippery. As soon as she reached the villa, she got two messages- one from Rachel and another from Milan to check whether she had reached safely. After replying to their messages, she called Prashant to check if they had arrived safely in Canada. Her brief call took almost half an hour as Shireen and Prashant shared their travel stories with her.

As she finished her call, Bahadur appeared to confirm the dinner menu.

"Mam, a lady from Mr. Stircock's office called to know your whereabouts," informed Bahadur.

"Bahadur, its Mr. Sta-rr-uck," pronounced Anikaa rolling her tongue. "Hold on, which Sturrock?" she asked.

"She said Raynund Sta-cock," said Bahadur now rolling his tongue.

"It's Raymond Sturrock. Did you tell him, we are at Milan's'?" enquired Anikaa.

"No, mam. Not at all. I told her to give me any messages, but she said- No, and then, cut the phone," said Bahadur imitating the lady.

"She hung up," said Anikaa correcting Bahadur.

"Yes mam."

Anikaa now knew that Raymond had tracked her somehow which infuriated her. How dare he? She gritted her teeth in exasperation. She will tell him, up and straight- what she thinks of his stalking business. As, she sat brooding, dark clouds rumbled outside bringing her out of her introspection.

"Rain, the best thing in the world," mused Anikaa looking outside the windows.

"The rolling thunder, dark clouds, fresh cold water droplets and the magical sound of rain is so relaxing," said Anikaa walking towards the patio from where she could see outside.

A fresh gust of moist air caressed her, sending shivers down her body. She was tempted to step out in the rain when, Bahadur accosted her.

"Mam, sorry I forgot to tell you, a parcel arrived in the afternoon from Mr. Sturrocks'. It was very big so I've put it in the library."

"Where is it? Show me," said Anikaa remembering the painting.

They went to the library where a neatly wrapped telescoping mirror box was kept. Anikaa examined the box and opened it carefully. She knew what was inside it. After three layers of cardboard, bubble wrap and paper protection- the vase painting emerged from the parcel. As expected, it was Shalini Sturrock's painting that Richard showed her last night. Inside the box, was a small envelope addressed to her.

Dear Anikaa,

I am sending you the painting as per our last night conversation. You are the most charming and kind-hearted girl, I ever met. Thank you for accepting the painting and as promised, you are now on the board of Shalini Educational Institute. I have enclosed the papers within.

I am right now leaving for Manshiura and will contact you when I reach there.

Richard Sturrock,

Thank you for your help.

Anikaa folded the handwritten letter and placed it back in the envelope. There was another envelope with the legal documents which was mentioned in the letter.

She unwrapped the painting from a thin translucent sheet and looked closely. It was the same, unframed square canvas painting of 40 inches- a simple white vase on a white table placed on a dark-olive background. What an unusual painting from such a great artist. She saw layers of paint one above another, done in the same strokes. "Very unusual," she muttered.

"Bahadur, take this painting to my room and put it in the balcony, on another easel," instructed Anikaa.

"Sure mam. And, what about yesterday's painting," asked Bahadur taking the painting from Anikaa's hand.

"Leave it there. I am still working on it. And, get me one more canvas- 56 inches. Bahadur lifted the painting carefully and left.

It was 7 pm and still raining hard, heavy droplets of rain splattered the window. Anikaa decided to work on sketches. She will paint her masterpiece tomorrow.

She reached her room which was illuminated with soft yellow lamps. However, she was drawn to the balcony when the clouds thundered and lightning flickered in the sky. Again, she was tempted to go outside in the rain. Maybe I can get rain bath in the balcony itself, she thought chuckling with delight. She sauntered to the large balcony which was partly shedded. Inside the shed, two canvases were placed on the easel- the vase painting and her own painting of Jiyu in the meadow.

She gave a quick glance to the paintings and stepped outside in the rain. She just took one step and whirled around; almost stifling her scream as a shot of shiver ran down her body.

Her painting had changed. She was now added in the painting with Jiyu.

Anikaa looked carefully- a girl standing next to Jiyu staring at him. It was her alright- same clothes and the extraordinary resemblance to her face. She summoned Bahadur at once.

"Get all the servants now," commanded Anikaa. All the servants lined up at once.

"Who came in my room?" asked Anikaa sternly.

"Mam, only I came to your room for cleaning in the morning and for placing canvases, half an hour ago," said Bahadur.

"Who else?" demanded Anikaa.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Leave," snapped Anikaa. All the servants left, it was the first time they had seen Anikaa so furious.

"Bahadur, I want the security footage of my room's entrance for the last two days," she said.

This is a bad joke. It's good that no one is here. Someone is definitely up to something sinister, she thought.

Bahadur procured the whole security footage in half an hour and she scanned the footage looking for anomalies. But, everything was in place. As an extra measure, she checked the footage of the whole house, but there were no aberrations.

She looked at the painting again, there was no way that Bahadur or other servants could have drawn the girl with such a precision. She knew all her staff members as their backgrounds were thoroughly checked.

There was only one way, she could get her answers for which she had to start from the beginning; the morning where it all started. The morning when she visited that valley, where she first saw Jiyu and only she saw Jiyu. She looked at the clock as the dials struck 8. The rain had stopped, but it was a dark night as the moon was still hidden beneath the grey clouds. "Tomorrow morning," she said.

Anikaa & The Mystery of the Painting: BOOK 1 OF ANIKAA SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now