A Teenagers Guide To A Happy Life.. That sometimes isn't very happy.... Written by a teen but it doesn't mean only teens can read it.
Ok.. first off this is gonna be a blog.
It's gonna step on your toes... I guess. :)
And it's gonna be about life, What we go through in life.. and Most of all it will be about God.
So if you don't want to read about something like this.. Go on and exit out.
If you are wanting or thinking about exiting out.. it means you really might need this guide/blog/thing.
And since it's written by a teenager.. me :)
You might enjoy it.
I hope.
Just check it out please?
Ok so usually a survival guide will teach you... well, how to survive..
Say you were stuck in the wilderness.
To sleep you would need to lay down some pine needles to sleep on.
How to purifie your water,
How to collect food: fish/deer...etc.
What berries are safe to eat?
Or maybe a survival guide on how to get away from Zombies.
What gun is more effective..:A shotgun. but it's a lot harder to load when there is more than two zombies.
Or as the movie zomblieland tells you..double tap.
So you would have to reload everytime you killed a zombie.
How to hgide from a zombie..
To check the backseat of a car before you drive away..
But this isn't going to be a survival guide on things like that..
It wil be on how to live your life right.. and happier.
I hope you enjoy!
Look... Ok.. So as everyone knows..
Everyone has struggles in their life..
This world is getting worst everyday!
It's so hard to live a Godly life.. No one is perfect anyways.
I got the idea to do this about five minutes ago.. I believe God told me to..
So heres the idea :)
The idea is..
To write a book thingy on well, a survival guide on how to get through this life.
To show you.. you aren't the only person that feels alone.. or has felt alone. Because.. everyone has.
But the thing is.. YOU.ARE.NOT.ALONE!
To show you.. You're not the only one whos screwed up before..
Who will mess up in the future as well..
(Check out the song ' You're not alone.'-Merideth Andrews:)
You are not the only person who is broken.
I am not perfect, I am a sinful person.
But I have Faith.
Survival Guide!!
RandomThis is a guide on well, Life.. And how to survive it :) Written by a teen.. but not just for Teens.. Please just check it out.