Survival Guide.. Britt..
Well, I see your reading my second subject so I guess you liked the first??
Anyways todays subject is gonna be about relationships :-O
What I don't understand is.. why does everyone think they have to have a boyfriend?
Or a girlfriend.. Especiallly when they are like... 12?
I think it's kind of funny...
This kid was sitting with me the other day she was probably thirteen talking about how her friend was making out with her boyfriend through a whole movie they went to.....
I was like ' You're how old?!'
Then I laughed at her shocked expression when I told her I'd never even had a boyfriend and I was three or four years older then her.
Is it peer pressure?
Or do they feel they have to..?
To be cool?
I mean.. Dating is meant to prepare for marriage..
If you want it to be Godly..
So picture the person you like in your head now.
Got the picture of the person in your head?
If they aren't that cute... Or their teeth or skin isn't perfect... go ahead and use your imagination to tweek em.... jussssst kidding.
Although.. the mind is a crazy thing and can do things like that but.. then
The person you like wouldn't be the same person so.. don't... Oh gosh.. let's just get back to what I was saying..
Can you see yourself with them for the rest of your life?
Would they be good for you?
Would you marry them?
If not..
Then maybe it isn't worth it?
Because the Godly way to do is to.. Get married.. then have sex and children..
If you really like them and think you love them.. Is that what your plan is?
If not.. then it isn't worth it.
It would actually just hurt you.
Maybe you feel like.. I won't be happy without a boyfriend or girlfriend..
Also a very important thing is...( The right way is a female and male to be together as lovahs!. lols.. Homos are bad.. And it's sinful.. And kinda... extremly gross...I just be sayin' :)..)
Look. The bible even says.. It is better to be single then married because there will be struggles..And it talks about male and female.. not female/female.. male/male.... I just be sayin.. I just be sayin...
If you say ' Waoh.. I'm too young for marriage!'
Then your too young for dating..
Everytime you break up with someone it's like a mini divorce...
And girls.. When your heart gets broken.. It is so easy to do..)
It is one of the worst pains there is.
"porcelain heart.' - Barlow girl.
that song made me feel better when my heart got broken!
But I promise.. There may always be a scar.. but the bruises will heal.. the pain will go away.
Survival Guide!!
DiversosThis is a guide on well, Life.. And how to survive it :) Written by a teen.. but not just for Teens.. Please just check it out.