Tattoo Shenanigans

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The light that had long left the skies of Amestris now was only visible in the single window of the Amestrian military Central Headquarters where Colonel Mustang's office resides. Every member of the infamous team had left to go home for the night side from Colonel Mustang himself and his First Lieutenant who were both staying behind to finish off all the days paperwork.

"Sir, can I talk to you for a moment please." First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye asked her superior Colonel Roy Mustang in a small voice. Roy gave her a puzzled look as she never normally requested to speak to him unless he'd done something to annoy her and as far as Mustang was concerned, he had finished all his paperwork and had done nothing bad. However, he still ushered her towards his office. She timidly followed him through the door which was very unlike Riza; she always walked with a sense of pride and purpose. Roy entered his office closing the door behind him and walked over to his desk chair and sat down with Riza standing on the other side looking at him was what looked like pain in her auburn eyes which shone in the moonlight that seeped through the thin curtains attempting to cover the window.

"What's wrong Riza?" Roy asked with genuine concern for his most precious subordinate. He had only seen her this distressed twice before, once in Ishbal and the other on the day her father died.

Riza took a deep breath and only released it when she saw the look in Roy's eyes, one of love but not in a passionate way and filled with concern. Finally, after deciding she had procrastinated enough Riza began with what she had to say to Roy.

"My back.." she began and Roy's facial expression instantly changed to one of hate for what her father did but then worry and curiosity about what she had to say for the tattoo of Flame Alchemy. "Its changing. The array is shifting." Now a look of surprise and confusion flashed across his face. His mouth dropped open but he quickly shut it.

"How..?" he stuttered. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know, so that's why I came to see you as soon as I saw it. I just woke up this morning and the salamander started to crawl around by back. Then some of the lines began to entwine with each other and the characters started to swirl around." Riza confessed, fear laced her shaky voice.

Roy took one look at her and seeing how distressed she was, he got up from his chair, walked around to meet her on the other side of his desk. Their eyes met as he asked for permission to act freely which she granted with a single look. With her confirmation he reached out his arms and enveloped her into a warm hug. Roy's right hand found its way to the small of her back where he rubbed tiny circles in an attempt to soothe her distress. However his left hand made its way to the back of her head which he used to pull her as close to him as she would be okay with. Tears began to form in the corner of Riza's eyes but she never let them fall. That would be for later when she was in the comfort of her own home and the presence of her dog, Black Hayate.

"Hey, do you want to come back to my place and then tomorrow, as we don't have to come into work, we can have a look at your tattoo. You shouldn't have to be alone when going through this and you know you're always welcome." Roy asked in a soft voice. He got no reply but none was needed, Roy could tell her reply from the small movement of her head that went up and down. He smiled and broke their embrace to lead her to the door and out of the building towards his apartment.

"I didn't drive to work today so we'll have to walk, sorry." Roy told her nervously.

"It's ok." Riza gave him a small smile. "Your company is nice."

Roy smiled widely and took her hand in his once they were far enough away giving it a squeeze as they went. The silence that blanketed the air between the pair was not an uncomfortable one but rather one of comfort and a love that can't exist. After a while, the couple reached the place that Roy lived and he led Riza inside.

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