💠 Hello again 💠

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💠 Alright everyone. So I've been out on Wattpad for too long because I got locked out of my own phone last Saturday. So, for the next few days, I'm gonna make it up to you. For the next few weeks, my Long Test and Quarterly Assessment is coming around the corner and I need some focus. But, you can still message me when I'm available. For ordinary days, I'm available at weekends and not at weekdays at Philippine Time, I'm not telling you twice, but thrice, 'cause I'm kinda going crazy when I'm overloaded with notifs every single time so, I'm taking a long break for 4 days. I got school work to do. Don't worry about my health, I'm going to be fine. I'm tired a bit but I know you'll be always there. So, see y'all on the flip side folks! 😆 💠

💠 By the way, I'm gonna throw videos at this point by Radiant Glow 64. Go follow her at YT! 💠

💠 I swear I'm laughing at some certain points at the video. 💠

💠 Ummmmm....*laughs* This is also funny too! 😆 💠

💠 I laughed at this, trust me. 😆 💠

💠 I don't care, this is good! 💠

💠 I'm totally laughing at this. 💠

💠 I know this meme somewhere... 💠

💠 Lookin' cool guys? 💠

💠 I don't mind at all, thank you. 💠


💠 You gonna have to watch all of this videos, guys! They're like, super funny! If you're interested...💠

💠 So, bye! 👋 💠

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