Rag Doll

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Emerson's POV

I walked out of the venue with Sebastian and Remington trailing right behind me. The show was quite possibly one of the biggest crowds we had ever had, at least 30,000 people. Crazy.

As we went to get on the bus, Remington grabbed my shoulder. His fingers were covered in Nutella. Ew.

"Did you hear that?" I looked at him confused.

"Hear what," I questioned. Then I heard what sounded like a sob, followed by a light thud. My eyes widened. We quickly ran to where we heard the tiny noises, and there we saw it. A little girl, barely 4 years old most likely. She had tears staining her cheeks and dried blood caked her tiny knees. She had collapsed, most likely from hunger since she was bone thin. Sebastian quickly entered big brother mode and ran to the girl. He kneeled beside her and touched her arm.

"Shit! She's freezing. Emerson, give me your coat." I nodded and handed it to him. He wrapped it around her and I quickly saw her relax. He stood up, still cradling her like a newborn. "Get to the bus. She needs food and water." Remington and I nodded and followed him. Once we were on, he gave orders. He sent Remington to a nearby dollar store to grab one of those heating pad things to keep her warm. I was tasked with getting her something to eat. I made a smoothie then strained it so it was pure liquid. She was super thirsty and happily drank the fruity beverage. Once she was hydrated I gave her a banana. When Remington got back we heated the pad up. Once it was done, we put her in my bunk with the pad under a blanket we rested her on, then we swaddled her. She smiled weakly. We stayed close to her while she slowly got stronger. Eventually, she was strong enough to talk.

"Can you tell us what happened sweetie?" I hadn't heard Sebastian use that voice and tone since I was around her age. She was quiet, then spoke.

"Mama told me to wait..." She paused for a moment. "I did... But she didn't come back..." It was now when we realized she was most likely abandoned. I was pissed. The neighbourhood we found her in was extremely dangerous. If we didn't find her some perv or gang member would. She shivered again and Remington quickly got her back on the heating pad. She calmed down. I only the noticed she kinda smelt, no offense kid.

"Rem, run to the Wal-Mart across the street. Buy soap, shampoo, a change of clothes and a fluffy towel." He nodded and zoomed outside. He came back 10 minutes later with that special baby soap thay doubled as shampoo, a white towel and some basic clothes. We decided to bathe her in the sink, she was so tiny.

I got the sink running. Not too hot not too cold. Once the sink was full enough we got her undressed and put her in. She seemed to really like the water, but didn't like when I put the shampoo in. Her hair was a rats nest, so she probably hadn't had her hair washed in awhile. She calmed down when Seb and Rem started distracting her. I'd probably brush her hair while she slept. I was scrubbing away when she suddenly winced in pain. I looked down and my eyes widened.

How the hell did I miss this?!

There was a handprint shaped bruise on her hip. Em and Seb noticed, and they looked just a concerned. We decided not to pry yet and finished bathing her. We then dried her off and got her changed, putting her dirty clothes in a seperate bag. I swaddled her back into the blanket and Seb called the police. We didn't call before cause we were so focused on getting her clean and warm. I put her back on the heating pad, and started waiting.

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