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“I want you to stay below while I take care of a few things.”

Cadence nodded toward the open door but her husband had already disappeared. Glancing through the porthole she could see the Charleston docks, and she wanted nothing more than to hide within the confines of the ship. She wasn’t just scared of what may await her outside of the protective hull, she was terrified, near to paralyzed. The temptation to simply disappear was strong. After all she’d successfully disappeared once in London, and if she had refused Curtis she would be free and clear now.

Or would she?

Grudgingly, she had to admit she wouldn’t have lasted a day alone in London, and present circumstances could be little different. Nervously she chewed her lips and stole a glimpse of Curtis striding across the dock, directing the unloading of the cargo. Even from her secluded viewpoint it was obvious word of the ship’s return had spread like wildfire through town. Bystanders, several of whom were women, had flocked to the port. A small twinge jealousy came to life at the sight of women giggling and pointing at her husband who, as usual, seemed entirely oblivious to the attention and how sinfully good he looked in his battered favorite blue sweater.

While their relationship had improved in the last weeks of the voyage it had still been strained, and she felt at a total loss. Since Christmas morning Curtis had finally started speaking to her, though he’d still hardly touched her since the day she’d found his coffer. Now, watching other women fawn over him, she couldn’t help but wonder…

Curtis disappeared from sight and with a sigh she flopped into his chair, nervously tapping the weathered desktop. She stared at the picture of him and his brothers, lost in her thoughts. The clamor of heavy footsteps thumping down the companionway drew her out of troubled musings. To her immense surprise three of the men from the picture appeared in full flesh and color before her very eyes.

“A surprise, Curtis?” one said. “The last time you surprised us it was with—” The teasing voice snapped off as the blue-eyed gaze of one David Langston fell upon Cadence, he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Davy!” Craig Langston was the next to stumble into the room quite literally on his older brother’s heels. “Get out of the way. Did he bring another Spanish hoo—” Upon shoving his astounded brother aside Craig was also struck speechless.

Curtis swaggered nonchalantly past his older brothers, obviously relishing having put one over on them. He crossed the room to Cadence and wrapped a husbandly arm about her shoulders. “Davy, Craig,” he nodded to each in turn. “I’d like you to meet my wife.”

For an undeterminable amount of time no one, save for Curtis, dared breathe.

“Your wife?” Craig and David said in tandem.

“My wife.”

“But, she’s wanted for murder!” David, the oldest Langston brother looked positively aghast. “Jesus, Curtis, I am a U.S. Marshal, we have been searching for her for months. Did you consider the position this puts me in before you dragged me here to meet your wife?”

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