Chapter Six

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(A/N: Thank you all for all the love and support this story is getting! The votes and funny comments are really helping me feel motivated to write a new chapter! Love you guys! Also, I changed some little things in the story that I didn't like but aren't very important either. I made the stepfather, the reader's biological dad and got rid of the whole cliche tragic backstory, and I also tried to make Kyou, your brother, a little more likable and less petty LOL.

"Yeah, it was... Sweet dreams, (L/N). See you in the morning."


        It's been past a week since the school year has started. Being it another typical school day, I settle myself down at my usual desk.

       Everyone was having their own conversations as you can assume, but I was trying to shake off the memories of the news reporters trying to interview me earlier.

     They were at the front school gates, desperate to talk to the students about All Might's teacher life. Fortunately for me, I was with Kyou who had no problem cussing them out once one of the cameramen tried to physically grab me for my attention. This intimidated all the newscast, so they eventually backed off and let us inside.

        "Good morning (L/N), how's it going?" Sero said, being the first person to greet me at my desk. He had his usual big grin on his face whilst resting his chin on his hand.

          I turn my body towards him, smiling, ready for another customary chat with him, "Great! Tired as usual but doing just fine." He gives off a small chuckle at my predictable low energy, "I feel you. You can always use me as a pillow."

Is there ever a time he doesn't suggest to be my cushion?

"Thanks, I would take the offer, but people already think we're together. I'd rather not fuel their assumptions."

        "Hm, I guess you're right. But, does it bother you that much about what people are saying? Sorry, I know it's probably uncomfortable for you to be part of a rumor like that..." He took his head off his chin disappointedly and turned his whole body towards me.

      How am I suppose to answer his question? It doesn't bother me, it's just embarrassing. If I were to tell him that though, he might get the wrong idea and think that I actually have a crush on him. Wait, don't I have a crush on him?

     "No, it doesn't affect me in any negative way! I'm just not used to being involved in that type of rumor."

He smiled at me, making me think I fixed the situation. Although, he didn't have time to reply because Aizawa was standing at the front of the classroom, getting class started.


*Brrrring* *Brrrring*

      Ayyy, it's lunchtime, my favorite part of the day.

Sitting with the Hoe squad like usual, we all started eating our lunch.

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