the meeting

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Hello everyone, This is alpha. I was given this suggestion for this story from @KyliaLambert. I am hoping you will like this chapter of this book.

Shadow's POV.

I was running from a large white wolf. The wolf eye's were filled with blood lust. The underbrush gave me some cover from the wolf and gave me an advantage over him. I was running as fast as I could on my four feet. I wasn't looking at were I was running but I then I tripped on a branch and felt my leg break. I whimpered in pain as I knew I would die.

"Well looks like you failed shadow. Time to die." The white wolf growled at me as I closed my eyes to not see him attack and kill me.  I waited for a few seconds and opened my eyes. I didn't see the white wolf, I just saw a blond girl having her arms spread out.

"Bad wolf. Bad wolf, Leave now!" She yelled as the white wolf whimpered as he ran away. she then crouched down to me.

"You look injured." She said as she picked me up and held me like a sheep.

"Why would a dick ass wolf like that hurt a beautiful black shadow like you?" She said to herself as she walked home.

"I should give you my name, My name is Emily," The girl said. "I think I should name you shadow. after your beautiful black fur." 

When we got to girls house, i could see that this girl, Emily had some tools for art. She sets me on her kitchen table and looks over me.  I had a broken leg and some deep bite marks but that was it. She put something on them to make sure them don't get infected and put my leg in a splint. She them put me in her room and made a bed made of blankets for me. I then fell asleep in comfort.


I was watching the wolf sleep when I wondered why I felt like I was connected to this creature. I had lived alone out here in the woods for my entire life and I have never seen a wolf like shadow before.  I wish I could ask the wolf about himself. I wish I could be with this wolf for the rest of my life. I saw that a large white dot was falling from the sky. I ran outside to see that the thing was falling at me. I tried to run but was frozen in place by an invisible force. I covered my face as the bright light fell on to me as I then pass out.


When I wake up, I see a large white wolf in front of me. I scream as I try to move away from it on the pure white room.

"Wait, I heard your wish about the wolf you found. I just want to make it come true." The wolf said as I stop moving.

"Who are you?" I say to the spirit wolf.

"The names moonlight. I am going to give you what you wished for." Moonlight said as I felt myself start to hover above the white floor. 

"I moonlight grant thy wish to this girl for what she wants and what she does with it's power." Moon light says as I feel a strange power trying to enter my body. I scream in pain as the power is poking me, trying to become one with my spirit and soul.

"Young one, please stay calm. fighting the power will only make this process worse." Moonlight says as I here the wolfs voice calm my fighting and the pain disperse from my body. I then feel a wave of calm come over me as I feel a unnatural warmth flow over me. I then feel the warmth disappear and I am back onto the white floor. 

"What was that?" I ask moonlight.

"Your wish being granted.young one. Now wake up and see your wolf." Moonlight said as I feel a wetness on my face. 


I open my eyes to see shadow licking my face and whimpering. I guess he was trying to wake me up.

"Good morning shadow." I say to him as I get off of the grass I had passed out on.

"Good morning Emily." Shadow said to me as I screamed.   

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