Ζευς | zeus

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❝I was raised to be admired❞

Loved by many.

Feared by all.

He is the God of Gods and Goddesses,

Superior above all. 

 An omnipotent being who isn't remorseful or merciful.

Elegant and fair, he keeps order on the marvelous mount.

Nothing can tear down the all-powerful and all-knowing Zeus!

But his horrid, dark secrets haunt the repulsive brute.

All of you are praising a monster among monsters,

Only concerned about their wealth and worship.

Soon, his past will be exposed, and

they will all see.



teaser 2, the third one should be up tomorrow! im honestly just putting out teasers as personal motivation whoops. also there is no reason why this one is a poem, i just think something poetic fits zeus 

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