just what we wanted <3

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three weeks later

Sandy's point of view

I have officially been engaged for 2 weeks and it is amazing . “hey San-San can I talk to you?” asks a curious Vicki “yeah whats up babe?” I asked and I started feeling like vomiting like not as in because of Vicki just my tummy was churning “uh when was your last period? I'm not trying to invade your personal business its just that you know you haven't been cranky for 6 weeks and normally you chuck the spas when its your week” then it hit me I have missed my period and three or so weeks ago me and haz y'know thats when my eyes widened “GIRLS EMERGENCY MEETING IN MY ROOM ASAP!” I yelled in panic mode not even 10 seconds later all the girls were in my room the door was locked and I was pacing like a crazy lady but im in shock “guys...” I whispered “yeah whats up beautiful why so worried?” Dani asked out of curiosity “Vicki you tell 'em” I said quickly and sat in the corner staring out to space “guys I think sandy might be pregnant I mean I realized she has missed her period and remember the incident a couple of weeks ago I honestly think we need to get a test like now!” Vicki said in shock still then I quickly got up and ran out to the boys “guys I have something I need to say .. BUT if you judge me in anyway shape or form I will slaughter you no joke okay?” they nodded in unison “okay well you know how normally I have my 'grumpy' week of every month ? Yeah well this time it hasn't come and haz this includes you a couple of weeks ago remember after watching the exorcist ?” I took a breath and the nodded for me to keep going “ well I think I might be pregnant” and with that I fell to the ground in tears still trying to understand it myself I mean yes my and haz want a Lil child but in different circumstances “babe come here” harry said soothingly I just looked at Niall and he had a happy? Expression on his face “do you know yet?” Niall asked egarly I just shook my head “but the girls have gone to get a test”

5 weeks later

Harry's point of view

so sandy is pregnant and she is just as beautiful as before I mean yeah she has a bump of a stomach but eh? Who cares? Right I love her? And im marrying that girl after our baby is born the world knows about EVERYTHING! But I don't care as long as I have my family e.g. the boys and the girls plus my baby girl and our baby im happy. “HARRY! IM HUNGRY!” I heard sandy yell from the lounge room . Gosh these cravings get weirder and weirder I mean nutella and pickles? Thats just freaky we go on tour in three days and sandy is freaking out but the girls are going with her so I don't have to freak out I was broken out of my thoughts by another scream from sandy “HARRY! FOOD ! NOW! PLEASSE!? Don't make a pregnant lady angry!” she yelled man I feel sorry for the girls while we are at shows on the tour and stuff but I guess they are all girl so its okay “what would you like baby?” I asked walking in to where she was sitting “can I please have some ice-cream from the freezer and a packet of Niall's crisps?” she asked innocently “yeah baby anything for you” I said with a grin because she asked for normal food today.

2 months later

Carly's point of view

WOW! Its been 3 months and 1 week since we found out sandy is pregnant I mean me and nialler have helped in anyway possible . Yes I know what your thinking is Niall dating her? Well yeah me and Niall have been together for a month and 3 weeks “Carly! I'm bored can we go to rehearsals with the boys? Pleeeeassse I miss my hazza bear !! and I bet you miss my big brother! Hehehhahahah” she started to giggle man she has a cute ass giggle “OKAY! Lets go since you have been begging to go for an hour now!” I said with a big as grin on my face. As soon as we arrived sandy galloped into the studio and then as soon as she seen harry she walked slowly because he had his back to the door she put her finger to her motioning for the boys to be quiet “man I miss seeing her face and hearing her scream at everyone to get stuff cause she is pregnant and doesn't wanna move” harry said and she turned and gave me and the girls a wink before walking behind him “boys can we go back home now?” harry begged “FOR THE LAST TIME HARRY NO!” we all yelled in unison “as much as we wanna get back to see the girls we have work to do so the quicker we finish-” Liam was cut off by sandy wrapping her arms around harry and yelling “HEY BABE I MISSED YOU AND BEGGED TO SEE YOU SO NOW I CAN SEE YOU!” us girls cracked up laughing.

Zan's point of view

today is the day I ask Vicki to be my girlfriend as soon as I see her im gonna ask whether it be in front of everyone or alone in my room .”HEY BABE I MISSED YOU AND BEGGED TO SEE YOU SO NOW I CAN SEE YOU!” we all seen sandy coming up behind him and we were waiting for that. “hey baby cakes I missed you too!” harry said with enthusiasm clear in his voice. “are the girls here?” I questioned ruining their moment “yeah they are outside the door go see them now! By the way Vicki really likes you!” she sang the last sentence in a sing-song voice. I rolled my eyes and walked out to find the lads hugging their girlfriends and then there was Vicki all alone so I went up and did what I had to do “Vicki will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?” I asked quickly “YES!” she yelled and kissed me passionately on the lips. Then I heard something I didn't wanna hear sandy crying . We all ran inside “whats wrong? The girls asked in unison then us boys walked over to harry who was crying too damn I wonder what happened “Greg he-he-he died” then us boys all gasped and walked over to sandy and well all said stuff like 'awe come here' 'im so sorry is there anything I can do?' and come give us a hug' then harry walked over and scooped her up in his arms and carried her out to the car everyone followed hot in their tracks when we got home it felt dead sandy wasn't yelling at us to get her stuff and she wasn't wingeing that she was bored it just didn't feel right “guys im going to sleep see you tomorrow or never for that matter” and with that sandy walked into haz and her room and went to bed “guys we should make her food to cheer her and Niall up I mean its pretty sad for that to happen” so all of us apart from Carly , sandy, Niall and harry cooked up a massive dinner and we made sandy a massive cake cause we know she loves her cake.

Sandy's point of view

I cant believe he actually died I mean he was the closest person to me he knew all my secrets. I guess now I wont have another uncle to my baby only the 4 boys not the 5 crazy spastics.

5 months later

still Sandy's point of view

I am ready to get this child out my stomach is massive! “harry my stomach hurts really bad!” so we got in the car a rushed to the hospital because today is the boys day off I feel so bad wasting his day off but I really need him “harry i-i-i think its comi-” and thats all I could say before darkness enveloped me in.

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