Chapter 4:

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Hermione's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes only to feel a sharp pain racing through my body. My guess was it started in my abdomen. I sat up, only to find the 2 men towering over me.

"What do you want." I said slightly, my throat sore and my voice hoarse.

"Oh, we just hate mudbloods and you're a mudblood so we don't like you." the fat one said with a huge grin on his large face.

"Now, stay still, Bellatrix wants you to be in a whole piece."


"Miss Bellatrix loves watching the filthy blood pour away. Til it drains away into nothing."

I saw myself laying on the floor with Bellatrix standing across the room, laughing at me. Laughing as my blood flows out my body. Until I die. I shake my head and scream.


"No what its happening." the skinny one said. He reached for my wrist and I stuggled, I wiggled around so he couldn't hold me down.

"I'm not going!" I scream.

"yes, dear you are. Oi." he bellowed at his companion.

"Do her in."

The fat man hobbled over to me and kicked me in my back. I screamed out. The pain was excruciating, I felt tears stream down my cold face as he kicks me again, this time in the stomach.


"Don't like it? Too bad, Pete, get my wand." The fat man; Pete walked over with the skinny mans wand.

"CRUCIO!" I screamed, I couldn't do anything but scream and cry, I gave up struggling, it somehow made the pain worse. So I lay there as the curses were being directed at me.

Harry's P.O.V.

I walked down the corridors in the dungeon. I was beginning to think she wasn't down here, when I heard voices so I approached only to find a few slytherins talking to each other. This made me look upstairs.

I never found her, so I thought of where to look next, when I remembered the marauders map. I ran to the Gryffindor common room and into the boys dormitory, I look at the map and search for Hermione's name.

I took another 5 minutes to conclude that Hermione was on the astronomy tower, I ran to that tower straight away.

It took another 10minutes to reach the tower. As I made my way up the stairs I heard voices, male voices, still under my invisibility cloak I walked in and saw Hermione on the ground, her eyes closed and tear streaks down her cheeks. I slowly drew my wand and was about to pull my cloak off when the two men left the tower suddenly. As soon as they were gone I threw the cloak off and went to help Hermione.

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