She groggily woke up to the sound of her stomach gurgling. Loud frowns and grumbles came from her massively obese body. She lay there for what seemed like hours, her huge body not wanting her to move. She let out a burp here and there, and any of the butter that was still in her body as slowly making her swell bigger. She tried to move her legs, but she could only wobble her morbidly obese body. She let out a sigh that quickly turned into a loud belch. The mountain of butter had melted, and a thicket of trees was a king like a dame for the ocean of melted butter. The sound of wood snapping made her frown, or as close to a frown with her face so engulfed in fat. The thick yellow mixture that had made her so unrealistically fat began to seep from the line of trees. Her stomach was rumbling desperately for the butter but she didn't think she'd survive if she were any fatter. The ground shock as the trees hit the ground, a title wave of butter shrundded her and splashed into her mouth. She struggled and gulped down as much as she could. Her belly gurgled happily as it swelled. Her rolls of fat jiggled as her body was pushed by the wave. As her stomach swelled around her and covered more ground, she noticed something from the corner of her eye. A male dragon was watching her, and by the look of it, he was much taller than most. Her stomach sloshed and burbled as she sputtered, gallons and gallons of butter pumping into her belly. She could feel her body billowing with blubber, her neck inflating and her legs turning into big blobby balls of lard. As the strong stream of butter started to slow, she gasped for breath, her huge cheeks wobbled as she belched and groaned. She was covered in butter, only her wings were dry. She panted, her belly stuffed to bursting...again. She tried to call for help, hoping her watcher wouldn't take advantage of her current situation. But to her dread, he began to make his way don the hill, his claws splashing through the butter. He gave a smirk and tossed her head from side to side.
hunger of a dragoness
Fantasya dragoness wakes up to find she's more hungry than she thought.