Chap 16 "Fixing Who?"

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Adalynne's POV
Five more days had passed and I got nothing. "What the hell?" I sighed. My phone rang and I looked at it. I picked up. "Hey, Sam. What the hell? Now I get a call back? Why hasn't Dean been answering his phone?"
"His phone is broken and dead," Sam sighed. "I texted you an address. Meet me okay?"
"Alright," I hung up. I looked at the address. "Ollie?!" He came into the room with a weapons bag. "Let's go." I grabbed Oliver's hand. We appeared inside a motel room. Everything was labeled, with the name corresponding to the item that was labeled. "What's going on?"
"We need ice," Dean smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"I think Dean may have been hexed," Sam sighed as he turned me to face him. "He forgot his own name a couple hours ago. He called the lamp a light stick."
"I can't work a miracle on putting information into his brain," I shrugged. "I may be an angel but not that kind of angel."
"I called for reinforcements too," Sam nodded. "He couldn't even remember all the names of Bon Jovi."
"Circa 1983?" I asked.
"Yeah," Sam sighed. He looked at Oliver. "Things worked out?"
"Yeah, turns out he was hexed with a hex bag," I looked at Sam. "Only one person could get that close to him."
"Rowena," Sam nodded. "Promise me that we fix Dean first before I let you loose on her."
"Fine," I groaned.
"I do know we gotta kill the witch that cast this spell on Dean," Sam sighed.
"Where is he?" Oliver asked.
"Dean?" Sam asked. "Dean!?" We walked outside. "Dean!" I walked up the stairs. "Dean?"
"Dean?" I asked. I turned the corner and he was trying to get into a room. "Dean, what are you doing?"
"Getting ice," Dean replied. "What are you doing?"
"That's not your room," I replied. He looked around. "It's downstairs."
"All these dumps look the same," Dean sighed. We walked back down to the room. We told him about the spell. "So I'm stuck in this memory crap?"
"For now," I sighed.
"But the fix sounds fairly simple," Sam nodded. "You just find the witch who did it and kill it."
"Oh, halle-freaking-lujah," Dean sighed as he sat down.
"I think you got hexed last night," Sam nodded. "We're going to retrace your steps. So, think. What's the last thing you remember you did?"
"Uhm," Dean sighed. He looked at the bucket in his hands. "I got some ice."
Sam and I looked at each other and mentally facepalmed ourselves. "Before you got hexed," I stated.
"The last thing I kinda sorta remember is us being in the big guy's office," Dean replied.
"That's where we start," I nodded. All four of us got into the Impala and Sam drove us to the office. We walked in and Sam started looking around. "Okay."
"Barry Gilman," Sam sighed.
"Yes, and we were here and we were, uh, we were looking for leads," Dean nodded as he looked in a wooden box on the table. "Ha." He picked up a cigar. "Douche tax."
"Yeah," Sam sighed as Dean put one in his pocket. "You did that yesterday, too." I crossed my arms. "Alright, come here. Check these out." We looked at the pictures on the wall. "Do these shake anything loose, these pictures?"
"No, none of them," Dean sighed.
"Okay, think hard," Sam replied.
"What happened next?" I asked.
"I hit the lore and he went out for a burger," Sam nodded. "So..."
"So...what do you want me to say?" Dean asked. "I ate them?"
"You know what?" I sighed. "It's not a big town. How many burger joints can there be? Come on." We went to three different bars. Oliver and I stayed in the car for the third one. "I don't know how long this is going to take."
"This is something different," Oliver nodded. "Something is wrong with Dean."
"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "They'll figure it out." My phone vibrated and we looked at it. "Let's go."
"Time to kill ourselves a witch," Oliver sighed. I got my gun and he got his. We stayed a foot away from Sam and Dean. "You know he's going to be alright, right?"
"I've never seen my uncle so dumbfounded before," I shrugged. We got out our flashlight. "He didn't even know he had a flashlight in his pocket." Sam was telling Dean about monsters and the supernatural again. "Okay."
"Found something," Sam sighed. We walked up to the tree and Sam took a picture of it. "Maybe Rowena will recognize this."
"Who's Rowena?" Dean asked. "That's a weird name."
"He's lost it," I sighed. Dean walked off as I looked around. "Okay, so where else would this fight have gone?"
"S-s-sam," Dean stuttered. "Sam!"
"What?" Sam asked as we went to where Dean was. "Oh."
"Is that a dead guy?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, I think that's our witch," Sam nodded. "Now what?"
"Cool," Dean smiled.
"No, Dean," I sighed. "Killing the witch was suppose to be the cure."
"So if he's already dead, then why is he still like this?" Oliver asked.
"Not cool," Dean nodded. "Okay, what now?"
"Now we get out of here," I nodded. "Let's go." We went back to the motel. "This is going to be a long case tonight."
"You two can get some sleep," Sam nodded. "I'll take care of him."
"Okay," I sighed. Oliver changed and laid in a bed. I did and laid in the same bed. I put on my headphones to listen to some music while doing some research on the laptop. I took off my headphones and Oliver was asleep. I closed my laptop and there was a knock on he door. "Uhm."
"Dean, no," Sam replied as he got out his gun. I did too and Dean had already opened the door. "Seriously?"
"Who are you?" Dean asked.
"Spell's progressed, I see," Rowena smiled.
"I wanted intel, Rowena, not a house call," Sam looked at her as she walked in. Dean close the door. "You have an angel right there who wants to kill you."
"Not very smart to have hexed my husband," I glared at her.
"Oh, I have a feeling you'll come to thank me," Rowena nodded as she looked at Dean.
"Mm, your hair, it's all so bouncy," Dean smiled.
"Why, thank you," Rowena smiled.
"I think I might be sick," I pretended to gag.
"Do we have to fix him?" Rowena asked.
"Yes," Sam and I both stated.
"Yeah," I sighed. Sam sat Dean down and he turned on the TV and Scooby-Doo was on. "Oh no."
"Hey,' Dean pointed.
"Keep it on," I nodded. "Go and find intel with Rowena. I'll keep and eye on him." I moved to the same bed Dean was on . He started laughing. Sam turned to look at us. "Ignore him. He's laughing at the cartoons." Sam and Rowena went back to talk. "Okay."
"Dean Winchester is going to die soon," Rowena sighed.
"Sucks for that guy," Dean replied.
"Okay," Sam sighed. He took Dean into the bathroom and closed the door. "Please don't kill each other out there!"
"You stay away from us," I pointed. Sam walked out. "Is he okay?"
"No," Sam nodded. "I just told him his life story and now he's kinda crying."
"I can't have him leave us like this," I stood up. "He's not leaving like this." I walked into the bathroom and he looked at me. "Hey, Dean."
"Hey...uhm," Dean sighed.
"Adalynne," I looked at him.
"Right, Adalynne," Dean nodded. "You're my niece. Why are you here?"
"Dean, I just wanted to know I love you," I nodded. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I don't want to lose you." Rowena opened the door. "What are you doing?"
"I have to take Dean to a different room," Rowena nodded. "Sam's orders. Check your phone." I looked at my phone. "I told you."
"Go with her, Dean," I nodded. He followed Rowena out of the hotel room. I walked up to Oliver and I had to get some sleep. I got in bed and laid down. I eventually went to bed. I woke up as Sam and Dean had walked in through the door. "Is he okay? Are you okay Dean?"
"Yeah, I'm back, Adalynne," Dean nodded.
"Yes," I smiled. I quickly got out of Dean and ran to him and gave him a hug. "You had me crying yesterday when you barely even know who I was. I'm glad you're back." He pointed at Oliver who was still asleep. "Yeah, we've fixed things. Everything can go back to normal now."
"Yeah," Dean nodded.
"And we gotta kill Rowena," I let go of Dean.
"Wait, what?" Dean asked.
"Yeah," I sighed as I got a hex bag from my weapon's bag. I threw it at Dean and he caught it. "She hexed Oliver. That's why Oliver left me."
"And not going to happen again," Oliver groaned as he got up. He looked at  us. "Welcome back, Dean."
"Glad to be," Dean nodded.
"When Sam called and said you needed fixing, I was confused," I looked at him. "When I got here, I kinda figured what was going on. You didn't even acknowledge that I just appeared out of thin air."
"Just come here," Dean sighed as he gave me a hug. "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled. I let him go. "Let's go home." I snapped my fingers and we appeared in the bunker. "I do have something to tell you guys though."
"You're not leaving, are you?" Sam asked.
"What? No," I nodded. "Nothing like that. Absolutely nothing like that." Dean and Sam looked at me. I looked at Oliver, who was sitting in the chair, and then back at my uncles. "I'm never leaving you guys, and neither isn't either."
"Okay, we got the biggest fear out of the way," Sam nodded. "What is this that you're going to tell us?"
"Oliver and I really want to have a kid, a baby," I looked at Sam and Dean. "A little us running around. We want to be parents."
"Oh, uh, okay," Dean nodded. "Uh, uhm, go for it, I guess." I rolled my eyes. "Just when we're not home."
"Dean, I can't," I sighed.
"She can't," Oliver replied at the same time.
"Why?" Sam asked
"Angel and human," I gestured. "Our kid would be a nephilim."
"Then we'd have another Lucifer case like we do now," Sam sighed.
"No, because she's not Lucifer," Dean pointed at me.
"I'm standing right here guys," I sighed. "I can't have a nephilim. I'll have all the angels gunning at me if I do."
"So, what are you guys going to do?" Dean asked.
"I'm going to need a more powerful necklace to hold back my angel side for the next year or so," I looked at Dean. "The necklace  you gave me would've only held me for a few days before I became full angel." I sat down in a chair. "Oliver and I were thinking, as soon as you find a necklace with enough moonstone power, we'd take our chance when I'm wearing it."
"Cas!" Dean called.
"You called?" Cas asked as he appeared.
"Will the moonstone rock work to make her human until she has a human child?" Dean asked.
"She's already embraced her angel form and been an angel too long for the rock to work," Cas stated.
"Is there anyway to make her human?" Sam asked.
"I can take away her grace to make her human," Cas replied.
"Great, let's do it," Oliver smiled.
"But she won't ever be an angel anymore," Cas sighed.
"Either give up my powers of being an angel or be human, forever," I nodded, trying to decide between the two. "I'm not ready to give you an exact answer just yet."

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