Chap 19 "Catching Feelings"

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Adalynne's POV
We got into the car and I drove us to my DC penthouse. We walked inside and I closed the door. "Room is on the right, first door upstairs," I looked at Jack. He looked at me. "Hey, Jack."
"Yes?" Jack asked.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know. I might have to go on my own in a little bit."
"You just got here."
"I know but I have to figure something out."
"Okay," I sighed as I walked toward him. "Just know you always have a home here, okay?"
"I know. Thank you, Adalynne. And please don't tell Sam and Dean. Or Cas."
"Secret's safe with me," I nodded. Jack left. I stayed in DC for two weeks just to adjust with living on my own. I wasn't ever alone when I had Oliver. It was different. Being twenty one without having someone to talk to. I was eating a salad in the penthouse and looking at news. I needed to hunt. I was getting bored. "Of course boredom would hit when I have no one to talk to."

"Adalynne?" Matt walked in

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"Adalynne?" Matt walked in. "I'm back for my car."
"Keys are on the counter," I pointed, not looking up from my laptop. My phone rang and I picked up. "Yeah?"
"We got Jack," Sam stated.
"Oh," I replied. "That's good."
"Yeah, no thanks to you," Dean stated with a tone.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Jack told us," Dean replied.
"I haven't seen the boy for two weeks. Yes, but only for like an hour," I replied as I stood up. I heard screeching. "What was that?"
"Larson Brother's Shipyard, now," Sam stated and hung up.
"I gotta go," I sighed. I snapped my fingers and I appeared in front of the Impala. They were getting out of the car. "Who's she?"
"Kaia," Jack replied.
"Hey," Dean threw Sam a bag. "Get 'em in the boat."
"Aah!" Jack groaned in pain.
"It's okay, Jack," I walked up to him.
"Come on!" Sam stated. "Go, go, go! Come on! Go!"
"Sam go," I pointed. Sam left with Kaia and Jack. I stood with Dean. I dropped my Angel Blade from my sleeve and held the handle. "What exactly are we going up against?"
"An angel," Dean sighed.
"Great," I stated as a car pulled up. "The one time I ask for a hunt, it's against an angel."
"Need that boy, Dean Winchester," the woman replied as she got out. "Heaven's running out of angels. Only he can save us."
"As far as I'm concerned, you dicks can fry," Dean replied.
"Yes, well, you first," she replied. Two other cars showed up. "Wanna play that way?"
"Time to go," Dean stated. He grabbed the weapons bag and took off running. "Adalynne?"
"No," I replied. I turned to look at him. He was looking at me like I was crazy. "Fine!" I knocked her on her ass with a force and took off running with Dean. We got onto the boat. "Hey."
"We're screwed," Dean stated as we found Sam, Jack, and Kaia. "There's too damn many of 'em!" Sam looked at us. "We gotta go up. Let's go!"
"Come on," I sighed. We went up. Sam kept warding the place. "How long is the warding going to hold?"
"I don't know," Sam sighed. "Hey Dean. Maybe if we let them in and then we blast them all away."
"No, they get in here, we're dead," Dean replied.
"I think I pissed off the lady," I stated. "I knocked her down."
"Jack, can you do anything?" Dean asked.
"I can try," Jack nodded, "but they'll hit me with angel radio again."
"You can turn that off," I pointed. "You just have to focus."
"We don't have that kind of time," Sam replied. "It took you at least five months to turn it off."
"Well if you had to spoil it, then we really don't have the time," I sighed as the ship rumbled.
"Okay, alright, so then we go out guns blazing. We take out as many as we can," Dean sighed. "Kid, sorry to drag you into this. This was not your fight."
"If they get up here, they'll kill you all and take me," Jack replied.
"No, they won't," Kaia stated as the ship rumbled again. "You said I can help you find the door to another world, right?"
"Yes," Jack nodded as the ship rumbled again.
"We're not gonna hold for long," I stated.
"Then let's do it," Kaia sighed. "Let's get out of here."
"Hey, can you take us to our mom?" Sam asked.
"Can you do it?!" Dean stated.
"I don't know," Jack replied. "I think so."
"What if something goes wrong?" Sam asked as the ship rumbled, again.
"Something already is going wrong!" Dean pointed. "Jack, do it."
"Let's go," Kaia stated as she sat down.
"The warding is failing," I replied as I looked at the warding. The angels outside kept rambling the ship. "The warding is fading, guys."
"Jack now!" Dean exclaimed.
"I see her," Jack replied.
"Alright, they're almost through," Sam sighed.
"Screw this," I replied as I walked to the door.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked as he grabbed my wrist.
"Buying you guys some time," I nodded.
"No," Sam nodded. "Not a chance."
"We gotta get out of here," I nodded. Kaia screamed four times and all I saw was a bright light. I woke up next to Dean in a different place. "Where are we?"
"Come on," Sam sighed as he helped me up.
"Let's go," Dean sighed. We started walking. I followed Dean, and Sam was behind me. "Where the hell are we?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "Whatever we do, we keep moving." We found a place to stay. Dean was eating lizard. "Ugh."
"You want some?" Dean asked.
"Don't say it taste like chicken," Sam nodded.
"It's a lizard, Sam," Dean pointed. "It taste like lizard."
We heard a roar. "Let's keep moving," I replied as we got up. We started moving. Dean was still eating the lizard. "That's just gross."
"We gotta find this door," Sam nodded. "We gotta go back."
"I don't like this," I stated. "I want my life back."
"I don't think this is a different world," Sam sighed. "I think it's a different universe."
"Yeah, well, this universe sucks," Dean stated.
"Yeah, and I don't think I'll find love here," I sighed.
"Is that what you were doing in DC?" Sam asked.
"No, I was working for the Bureau," I looked at them. "But I'm not giving up. I'm still young."
"If you want babies, you're gonna have to adopt," Dean sighed. "Taking care of a nephilim is hard."
"Yeah, I learned with Jack," I replied as we kept walking. We were rustling. "What was that?" We turned around. We were fighting something. I was knocked out cold. I woke up tied to a tree. "Oh, that hurt."
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"Hey, yo!" Dean called. "Darth Dickwad."
The thing hit their staff against the big skull like a huge gong three times. "I think you pissed it off," I stated.
"What the hell?" Dean asked as it walked away.
"What was that all about?" Sam asked.
We heard roars and growls in the distance. "I think it just hit the dinner bell," Dean sighed.
"That's just great," I sighed.
"Can you get us out?" Dean asked.
"Don't you think I've tried?" I asked.
"Wait, Adalynne, look at me," Sam responded. I did. "Your eyes are hazel."
"I'm powerless?" I asked. "Well, that's just great. The one time I don't want to be human, I am."
"Dean, you hear that?" Sam asked.
"Claire?" Dean asked as he got his hands untied. Kaia undid mine and Sam's. "What?"
"Hey guys," Claire smiled.
"My hero," Dean nodded.
"How did you get here?" Sam asked.
"The door, it's still open," Claire replied.
"For now," Kaia nodded.
"Where's Jack?" I asked.
"I think he's in the other place with your mom," Kaia replied.
We heard roaring and growling. "It's time to go," Claire nodded.
"Yeah, we gotta go," I sighed. "Go, go, go." We kept running. We got to the door, which was a yellow vertical slit of light floating in the middle of nowhere. "There it is." Kaia pushed Claire to the ground and she was stabbed. "No, no, no." Sam, Dean, and I got out our angel blades. We heard the foliage rustling and a small but loud growl. We looked up and saw red eyes. "Oh no."
Claire grabbed the staff and went after the person who threw it. "No, no, no, no, no! Claire!" Dean exclaimed.
"Aah!" Claire stated as Dean grabbed her.
"Come on, we gotta go," Dean nodded.
"Go, go, go!" Sam replied as he looked at the giant thing. "Go, go, go!"
"Right," I nodded as it roared. We went through the door. "Okay."
"No!" Claire exclaimed as the door closed. She grunted. "No."
Jody ran in and hugged Claire. Donna, Alex and Patience showed up. "Look at me," Sam looked at me. "Your eyes are blue now."
"Can we go back?" I asked.
"What?" Jody asked.
"She doesn't like being an angel," Sam sighed. "In the other world, she wasn't."
"We gotta go," I sighed.
"Yeah," Dean nodded. We said our goodbyes and got into the Impala. I sat in the backseat and Dean started driving. "You okay, Adalynne?"
"We lost Kaia," I looked at him. "She was just someone who got pulled into this. This wasn't the way it's supposed to be." We got to the bunker after a day's drive. I walked inside and took my phone out of my pocket. "We were gone for three and a half days." I had a couple missed calls from Prentiss. "Shit."
"Language," Dean stated.
"I'm sorry, but some of us have to work for a living," I replied as I looked at him. "I've got a couple miss calls from my boss. I'm gonna give her a call." I sat down and hit call back. I put the phone up to my ear. "Pick up."
"Hey, I haven't heard from you in days," Prentiss stated.
"Yeah, I'm gone again, Prentiss," I sighed. "Don't worry about me. I'll check in it with a 911 if something happens." I hung up. "You guys do what you do. If you have something that is Jack related, let me know."
"What are you going to do?" Dean asked.
"For starters, take it slow," I nodded. "I'll clean around the bunker for you and make you food." Two days passed. Dean, Sam, and I did a ton of research trying to locate Jack. I groaned and laid my head on the table. "I don't even know if I can read another book."
"How many have you read in two days?" Sam asked.
"Uh, I lost count after twenty three," I shrugged. More weeks passed and I was sleeping on the couch. I felt someone put a blanket over me. "Hmm." I opened my eyes and there was Cas. "Castiel?" I sat up and hugged him. "Oh my gosh. Hey."
"Hi, Adalynne," Cas hugged me back. "It's good to see you."
"Yeah, same here," I smiled. "I've missed you."
"May I speak with you in private?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I took off blanket and followed Cas down to the garage. "What's wrong?"
"I love you, Adalynne," Cas stated.
"I think we've established that over the past couple of years," I replied. "You didn't have  I speak to me about that privately."
"I love you more than friends," Cas sighed. My heart kinda stopped. I was speechless. "Please say something, Adalynne."
"Are angels even allowed to be in relationships with anyone?"
"I'm already not friendly with Heaven so what else could happen?"
"Just give me some time, Cas," I replied. "I just gotta think about it. Also Sam and Dean. If we do get together, we gotta find out how to tell them too."

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