Ch. 1 The beginning

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Lizzie’s POV-

“Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. We are currently running through some air turbulence and it may be a bit bumpy. But no need to worry, it should only be temporary.”

I bordley looked out the tiny airplane window and noticed the slightly drizzle of the rain pouring, and the dull, gloomy appearance of the sky. I looked over at my friend, Cassidy Greenwall, and saw her snoring softly. I tapped her shoulder lightly. Ugh no answer. I tapped a bit harder and then again earned the same response.

“Yo!” I screamed in her ear. That earned me a few glares from my classmates a few seats away. Thanks Cass. Then it hit me.

“Hey Josh is eating all your nutella,” I whispered.

She shot straight up and glared behind her.


“What?,” an annoyed sleepy sounding Josh asked.

“Hand it over!” she demanded.

If there was one thing on this whole planet Cassidy Greenwall loved, it was nutella. When I visited her house for the first time, she nearly befriended me for asking if I could have some nutella. #legit.


“Huh, what?” Did I miss something?

“Out of all things to tell Cass, you tell her I was eating her nutella?! What a good friend you are he muttered under his breath.

“Oh you know you love me Joshykinz!” I told him pinching his cheek. He rolled his eyes and snapped my hand away. We continued chatting when a flight attendant came walking by.

“Excuse me children, but I’m going to have to ask if you will please sit down and buckle your seatbelts, we may expir-”

The annoying attendant was cut off my the rumbling of the plane.

“What’s going on?!” Cassidy shouted.”

“Excuse me miss, I’ll have to ask that you lower your voice. We cannot have the risk of disturbing the other passengers.”

Cass got a bewildered look on her face, “You’re worried that they might get disturbed? Look around you bimbo, the whole plane’s shaking, we that boats long gone.”

“What boat?”

I cut in. “Can you please just tell us what’s going on?”

“Did you listen to the announcement?”

“Yeah.” Boy this girl is frustrating.  I ran a hand through my long wavy brown hair.

“Well then what do you want to know?”

The planes shaking got harder and the lights started flickering. Josh and Cass looked at each other.

“Liz, I don’t like this,” Cass closed her eyes tight and held the death grip on my arm.

“Dude! You’re hurting me!” She has the grip of like a polar bear on steroids!

She looked slightly guilty and loosened the grip until the oxygen masks came down.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” She repeated over and over again.

I turned around back to Josh again. “Yo, Josh?”

“Lizzy, I don’t like this.”

“I know, I don’t either, but I think we’re going to want to grab our stuff.”

I looked out the window slightly.

“Why?” Then he followed my gaze and realized what was happening.

“Holy fucking shit!” He struggled to unfasten his seatbelt and started grabbing our things. “Cass, where’s your nutella bag?”

Woah! “Dude, you have a nutella bag?”

“Yeah, it’s where i keep it all.”

“How much did you pack?”

“Well, I could only bring three cases of it. Why? What’s josh going to do with it?”

“How much is three cases?”

Josh urgently shook me and Cass. “Dude, where is the bag?!”

“I have it, calm down. Why?”

He wiped the imaginary sweat from him forehead and sat back down. “Good grief!”


I ignored her question once more, we have to keep her distracted. “So how much is three cases?”

“72 jars, along with 19 loafs of bread and plastic knives.”


“We’re going to Rio for like a month! What if they don’t have any nutella there?”


“Exactly! Without nutella I would die! So i packed enough for the whole time!”

“Good thinking Cass!”

I drowned her out, when i looked outside again. Then it kicked in. The screams started, and I sat back, put all of my things on my wrist, so I could hold on to both Josh, and Cass’s hand. The last thing I can remember is hearing the plane crack before everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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